Columbia Student Demands Food And Water For Anti-Israel Protesters As 'Basic Human Right'

A graduate student at Columbia University had a stark message for reporters on Tuesday: the anti-Israel protesters taking over campus are at risk of dying if authorities do not deliver them food and water.

"I guess it's ultimately a question of what kind of community and obligation Columbia feels it has to its students," King-Slutzky said. "Do you want students to die of dehydration and starvation or get severely ill, even if they disagree with you?"

"This is like, basic humanitarian aid we're asking for."

One reporter asked the student to explain her demands: "It seems like you're saying, ‘We want to be revolutionaries, we want to take over this building, now would you please bring us some food."

The young lady responded by saying the school shut off access to food and water for the protesters.

However, that claim was met with a Community Note/Nuke.

"Her claims are misleading: (1) Per Columbia, campus dining is open (John Jay Dining Hall, Fac Shack, JJ's Place)," reads the first Community Note. "(2) Humanitarian aid is for saving lives in the most dire situations (violent conflict, natural disasters). The students can leave if they want."

Not even The Babylon Bee – and certainly not "SNL" – can compete with the parody that is reality in 2024.

"These are not the remarks, let alone the arguments, of a serious person," Yale professor Nicholas Christakis wrote in response to the student's comments. "This is the way someone who has never been challenged to defend her views with facts and reason speaks. This is someone who thinks she is winning the battle of ideas simply by articulating her desires. Someone her university has not taught."

It turns out, the student demanding food and water for protesters is a staunch believer in Marxism – as podcast host Liz Wheeler noticed in her Columbia bio

That revelation won't come as a surprise to OutKick readers. We published a column earlier this week in which we explored how the anti-Israel protesters across "elite" college universities are rooted in Marxism:

The ongoing anti-Israel protests across so-called "elite" American campuses demonstrate the consequences of seeing the world as split between the oppressed and their oppressors — the vision that modern progressives believe is the answer to our troubles.

What is behind these protests? What's causing students earmarked as our future cultural elites to have such disdain for a particular group of people? The answer stems from a culture of higher education derived from the Marxian concept that struggle is primarily the result of exploitation. 

Believers of the overly simplistic oppressor/oppressed ideology are uniquely susceptible to the whims of divisive propaganda. In this case, radicalized students attribute the ills of the Middle East to colonialism and imperialism. They blame the Jews.

You can read the full column here.

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Bobby Burack is a writer for OutKick where he reports and analyzes the latest topics in media, culture, sports, and politics.. Burack has become a prominent voice in media and has been featured on several shows across OutKick and industry related podcasts and radio stations.