Colorado LGBT Club Shooter Claims To Be 'Non-Binary'

Anderson Lee Aldrich, a 22-year-old suspect connected to the heinous murders at a gay nightclub in Colorado Springs over the weekend, claims to be non-binary through a court filing processed Monday night.

Axios first confirmed the development.

Aldrich's shooting spree at Club Q left five innocent club-goers dead, leaving 18 additional people injured. According to the legal defense team, Alridrich goes by "they/them" with regard to preferred pronouns.

Since Saturday's tragic incident, national news coverage has characterized Aldrich's murders as emblematic of America's vitriol toward the LGBT community and other minorities in the country.

After being sent to a local hospital due to injuries suffered during the shooting, Aldrich was booked in the El Paso County Jail, relays The Denver Post.

El Paso County Sheriff's Office released a statement following Aldrich's arrest, revealing that the suspect was involved in a "homemade bomb" threat in 2021.

Aldrich is expected to appear via video for a court appearance Wednesday.

Former NYPD detective Tom Verni appeared on CNN and called America "racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic, and anti-Semitic" based on Aldrich's wrongdoing.

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Alejandro Avila is a longtime writer at OutKick - living in Southern California.

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