Cold Hard Facts: Men That Are Libs Suffer More From E.D.
It turns out that being a liberal man makes you soft. A new analysis shows that 30 million men battle erectile dysfunction.
According to the numbers, E.D. — a euphemism for men who can't get hard for their ladies, etc. — treatment is mostly sought after among men with progressive views.
Progressive Men Experience More 'Shortcomings'
Per Viagra, the little blue pill company, the figures could also be more than 30 million men with E.D. in the States. The Daily Mail relayed a study declaring men with liberal views request more prescription pills for E.D.
It's no secret that the new generation has been getting softer. It's perfectly evident when the Barbie (2023) movie manages to gross over $100 million on its opening weekend (good movie, though).
Viagra noted that the 30 million men currently struggling with E.D. in America doubles the amount compared to men in the early 2000s.
The numbers also note that we are now at the point where 25 percent of guys under 40 struggle to get it up.
States With Highest Rates of E.D. Among Men
Leading causes for the dip in sex drive for modern men include obesity, rising consumption of porn and the two most popular words of the decade: mental health. All that's missing is a Garth Brooks tee and you've got the archetype of a liberal man.
There's also something to be said about the rising rate of vegetarianism and veganism among men, which teaches that salads can replace pulled pork. No meat means lower T.
So yes, groundbreaking stuff there. Men with progressive views aren't manly and tough, while guys that lean more conservative have BBQ sauce running in their veins. The study really puts the d in "data" (lowercase, of course).
Now liberal men impatiently wait for State Farm's numbers on higher rates of tractors falling into lakes between libs and conservatives. Call it a small victory.