Climate Activist Scumbags Attack Stonehenge

Attacking rocks from 3100 BC to 1600 BC should help your cause, scumbags. 

The Just Stop Oil pieces of s--t were at it again Wednesday as they attacked Stonehenge with an "orange cornflour" concoction that was sprayed on the prehistoric rocks. 

Oh, but it will wash away "with the rain," the scumbags announced from their Twitter account where they noted today's attack on the rock formations was due to "the urgent need for effective government action to mitigate the catastrophic consequences of the climate…"

Keir Starmer, the leader of the Labour Party in the U.K. called the act "pathetic" and declared those "responsible must face the full force of the law." 

Meanwhile, the Just Stop Oil terrorists were proud of what they had done. 

"We are accountable for our actions," the terrorists tweeted. "When will the oil and gas executives responsible for destroying the lives of millions of people face the full force of the law?"

This is a good time to remind readers that Aileen Getty, the heiress to the Getty oil fortune, helps fund acts like what went on at Stonehenge. In fact, Getty donates money to the Climate Emergency Fund which then funnels the money to Just Stop Oil. 

That's not Fox News or Fox News Corp.-owned OutKick making up that fact. 

Aileen Getty admitted to it in 2022. 

"I proudly provide funding to the Climate Emergency Fund, which in turn makes grants to climate activists engaged in nonviolent legal civil disobedience, including Just Stop Oil, the group the activists represented," Getty wrote in The Guardian. "I do not fund these groups directly, nor do I have direct control over which specific actions climate activists choose to take."

In other words, have at it kids. Attack whatever you want. Here's the money to make this happen. Go for it. 

"I believe the climate crisis has progressed to the point where we must take disruptive action to try to change course on a planet that is becoming increasingly unlivable," Getty continued in her 2022 editorial. 

Hence the attacks on art, stopping traffic to the point where mothers can't get their children to hospitals, and protests at sporting events

Good job, losers. 

I'm going to go turn on my gas grill for lunch. Suck it. 

Written by
Joe Kinsey is the Senior Director of Content of OutKick and the editor of the Morning Screencaps column that examines a variety of stories taking place in real America. Kinsey is also the founder of OutKick’s Thursday Night Mowing League, America’s largest virtual mowing league. Kinsey graduated from University of Toledo.