Chipotle Continues To Ruin Nice Things By Raising Prices For The 4th Time In Two Years!

For the fourth time in two years, Chipotle is once again raising prices. And we have to start really asking when enough is enough.

As a longtime supporter of Chipotle - that steak and carne asada (oh my Goddd) and more were all the rage. However, after screwing with customers for years now by continuing to shrink their damn burrito but not their prices, it may be time to take a step back.


A company spokesperson said that the price hike is due to adapting to inflation, yadda, yadda, yadda and that food and service supplies have gone up in price and they need to adjust accordingly. Which may be true, and hey, at least they didn't throw in the pandemic excuse like other corporations are still using.

However, I think Chipotle is raising prices for two simple reasons:
A) They can
B) To fund more automation like this robot server below:

After a year of testing various 'robot servers' Chipotle has now unveiled these automated burrito bowl machines that are going to make delivery orders. An unfortunate development as we all know that the rise of the robots will eventually lead to the loss of human jobs.

But hey, I'm as much of a capitalist as anyone else - you want to make your money, go ahead (so long as it's not by caving to the Saudis) but when everything else is going up in price around us - gas, rent, Netflix and more... can't we just enjoy our Chipotle in peace?

No word yet from J.J. Watt on his feelings about Chipotle's price hike but I can't imagine he's happy about it, based on his burrito outrage last year.

The last time Chipotle raised their prices some menu items went up nearly $. It's unclear which items or just how much this price hike will be, but I can tell you this Mr. Chipotle, I would proceed with caution. You jump too high too quickly - like you clearly did here - you may run the risk of social media taco lovers turning against you and a reputation that could seriously tarnish the brand. Just ask Delta Airlines.

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Mike “Gunz” Gunzelman has been involved in the sports and media industry for over a decade. He’s also a risk taker - the first time he ever had sushi was from a Duane Reade in Penn Station in NYC.