Stephen Colbert Called CNN 'Objective' & His Audience Laughed, Thinking He Must Be Joking

Monday was a big day in the "exposing media bias" realm. First, people roasted CBS for putting its obvious pro-Kamala Harris, anti-Donald Trump bias on display. 

Then, Stephen Colbert had CNN host Kaitlin Collins on his late-night CBS show. 

Colbert, in all seriousness, praised Collins and CNN for being "objective" and "just reporting the news." 

But the audience naturally assumed he was joking, because everyone knows that CNN is not "objective" and does not simply "report the news." 

So, they laughed. 

That created an awkward moment where Collins asked if his comment was meant as a joke and Colbert quickly tried to say that it wasn't a joke. 

Hilarity ensues for those of us who appreciated the irony in this exchange. 


The funniest part of this is that this is the audience that chose to watch Stephen Colbert tape his late night show in New York City. 

That means that the crowd is largely, if not 100%, left-leaning. 

Yet, even the LEFT-LEANING (and more likely hardcore left-wing) crowd thought Colbert was joking when he said CNN is an objective news source. 

Take a moment to process that. Even people who are on its team understand that CNN, like most of the legacy media, has become cheerleaders for the Democrats. 

It's quite the fall for CNN, too. 

If I told you, 20 years ago, that CNN reported something, you'd most likely just accept that to be the truth. 

It's CNN. After all, there was a time when it mostly did "just report the news." Of course, there's always been a slight slant, but that's to be expected from a media that, historically, leans left. 

But CNN tried to be objective. 

Not anymore. 

And even the audience knows it. 

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Dan began his sports media career at ESPN, where he survived for nearly a decade. Once the Stockholm Syndrome cleared, he made his way to OutKick. He is secure enough in his masculinity to admit he is a cat-enthusiast with three cats, one of which is named "Brady" because his wife wishes she were married to Tom instead of him.