Catherine Zeta-Jones Wishes Husband Michael Douglas A Happy 80th Birthday In Her 'Birthday Suit'

After more than 25 years together, Catherine Zeta-Jones is running out of birthday gift ideas for her husband, Michael Douglas. So she shared a picture of herself in her "birthday suit" for his 80th.

The actor, who still has his fastball - just ask Evangeline Lilly, celebrated his birthday on Wednesday, as did Zeta-Jones, who turned 55. Now she might have tried to play off her naked picture in high heels as a birthday present for her husband, but it's safe to say she was also letting people know she can still bring it.

In her caption, while joking that she was running out of gift ideas, Zeta-Jones also claimed Douglas would prefer golf balls over her in her birthday suit.

Her caption reads, "In my birthday suit! After over 25 years of sharing my birthday day with my husband, I am running out of gift ideas! This is gift option two, golf balls being option one… of course 🤣"

Catherine Zeta-Jones knows birthday wishes and her way around the golf course

Zeta-Jones put a bow on the social media birthday celebration by also sharing a picture of herself, this one clothed, with Douglas on their birthday 25 years ago.

A throwback, a nude, a hint that, even after all these years, she's not only maintained a decent fastball, but that two of them have managed to keep it together.

Hopefully, the two had a chance to hit a few golf balls. We know how much they enjoy doing that. Douglas is getting up there now, and he might just be whipping his junk out a little more these days on the course.

"The rules are - I have to whip it out if I don’t hit it past the ladies’ tees, which I manage most of the time," Douglas said last spring. "But there have been times when we’re playing alone, and have to give her a little show because we are competitive."

He added, "But only when I play with my wife."

That could very well be the secret to their seemingly successful marriage. A couple that golfs together, stays together and if he doesn't hit the ball past the ladies' tees he must pull his junk out.

If that's not love, I don't know what is. Happy birthday to the two of them and congratulations are in order for Zeta-Jones and her fastball.