Casey Anthony Reportedly Has A New Boyfriend Who Is Married & Looking For Love On Dating Apps

What has noted Ohio State fan Casey Anthony been up to lately?

Well, the now 38-year-old who was found not guilty of murdering her two-year-old daughter back in 2011, has been dating a married father of two and moved from Florida to Tennessee to be with him.

This according to the NY Post, who reported over the weekend that her boyfriend "blew up" his marriage of 20 years to be with her. But that's not all and it never is, is it?

The 48-year-old Tyson Ray Rhodes is allegedly still on dating apps looking for love. Sounds messy and that's because it is. The sort of messiness that gets the local Facebook groups fired up.

The Post says that since they reported the relationship between Anthony and Rhodes, two women contacted them saying that Anthony's new boyfriend is on the dating app Hinge, where he claims to be "single and looking for love."

Folks over at the NY Post have taken a look at the receipts the women provided in the form of screenshots of conversations they have had with Rhodes and say that one of the women confronted him about the initial story.

The woman allegedly asked him, "Did you know you’re in The New York Post for dating Casey Anthony?" To which Rhodes is said to have responded with a simple, "Yep."

Casey Anthony reportedly started dating the married man after meeting him at the gym

The admission led the woman to take her name out of the list of potential love matches. Weeks, maybe months of back-and-forths with Rhodes down the drain.

The second woman said that she was told by Rhodes that he was divorced. A claim denied by sources, reports The Post. He is allegedly still married to his wife of 22 years.

The two women have been messaging Anthony's love interest for a while now and have had exchanges with him within the past week.

"So he’s still married and he is dating Casey Anthony on the side, but he’s still on dating apps," one of them told the NY Post. "I’m not just a ‘no,’ I’m a ‘hell no.’ He is absolutely not the right guy for me."

Rhodes might be chatting it up with women on dating apps, but he's not talking to the media. He and Anthony reportedly started dating back in January after meeting in a South Florida gym.

He is said to have moved to Tennessee, then shortly after moving, he told his wife, the mother of his two grown sons, that he wanted a divorce. Not long after, Anthony moved too and started renting an apartment near his home.

"She doesn’t care if he’s married or not," a pal of Anthony’s told The Post last week. "I was like, ‘Casey, a married guy?’ and she just laughed and said, ‘Oh shut up, I’m living the life I want.’"

If Casey Anthony can't meet a guy at the gym, - allegedly - break up his marriage of 20 plus years, fall in love, relocate and live happily ever after, what are the chances for the rest of us?

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Sean is a cubicle life escapee and proud member of OutKick's Culture Department. He enjoys long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and puppies - only one of those things is true.