California Politician Pressured Chief Of Staff Into Wild Sex Acts, Lawsuit Says

Did California State Senator Marie Alvarado-Gil pressure her chief of staff to perform oral sex on her, which caused him to suffer a back injury? 

That's the explosive accusation made by Alvarado-Gil's former chief of staff, Chad Condit (Gary's son - RIP Chandra Levy), who alleges Alvardo-Gil was running a "sex-based quid pro quo relationship of unwelcome advances and sexual behaviors couple with punishment and flexing of power." 

In a civil lawsuit filed Thursday in Sacramento, Condit charged his former boss with claims of sexual harassment, discrimination, retaliation and violation of labor laws. 

Shall we get to this oral sex allegation? Let's do it. 

Condit says in his lawsuit that while traveling with his boss, an ALLEGEDLY horny Alvarado-Gil pressured him into an oral session. The married chief of staff eventually broke, he says, and…did his job. 

Again, this is all laid out in the lawsuit. 

"They were driving together and they pulled over to go to the restroom. When he came back to the car, she had her pants pulled down and said, ‘I want you to kiss it and prove your loyalty.’ She had her legs spread and turned towards him exposing her vagina. Her direction was for him to submit to her demand and to orally pleasure her vagina," the lawsuit states. 

Condit followed through. 

Whew, now I need a smoke.

The relationship came to a head, Condit claims, when he was forced to "twist and contort" during and oral sex session with the politician while in a car. One thing led to another and Condit was left with three herniated discs and a collapsed him, the documents state. 

Now injured, Condit just couldn't perform his (ALLEGED) oral sex duties and that's when Alvarado-Gil (ALLEGEDLY) retaliated and wrote up her employee and eventually had him fired. 

What else is in this lawsuit where the state senator allegedly pressured her chief of staff into performing oral on her?

According to the San Jose Valley Sun, Condit says the two never had intercourse. This was straight-up ORAL. 

Let's get to the best of this lawsuit: 

  • Alvarado-Gil is accused of calling Condit to her hotel room. She claimed to have bumped her head. Chad says he went to get ice and returned to her room to find his box "sitting on the edge of the bed with just a t-shirt on" while noting that Condit looked like Brad Pitt.
  • The politician ALLEGEDLY told Condit "that she prefers short black men and old white guys."
  • Marie asked Condit what he thought about "throuples." 

Alvarado-Gil's legal team says this "disgruntled former employee has fabricated" this story "without evidence" and just wants money out of the politician. 

As if this story needed any other plot twists, last month, Alvarado-Gil switched from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party. 

Written by
Joe Kinsey is the Senior Director of Content of OutKick and the editor of the Morning Screencaps column that examines a variety of stories taking place in real America. Kinsey is also the founder of OutKick’s Thursday Night Mowing League, America’s largest virtual mowing league. Kinsey graduated from University of Toledo.