Get the heck out of California now if you can. The longtime Democrat-run state shows what happens when you enact asinine policies from pandering politicians as they are expected to have a record-setting $68 billion deficit next year. ... And that's only IF nothing else goes wrong! Get ready Californians because if you thought your taxes were high already - you ain't seen nothing yet! HISTORIC DEFICIT According to the nonpartisan Legislative Analyst's Office, the absurd new budget far exceeds the original $14.3 billion that was estimated in June. Yes, that's right - California is so inept, so incompetent that somehow they went from $14 billion to nearly $70 billion in just six months. Well done, everyone - you're doing great! As a result of the coming fiscal mess, Governor Newsom and other Democrat lawmakers may have to take emergency measures of tapping into California's financial reserves in order to just keep the city going. However, even that move won't save the cuts that will be coming across infrastructure, social programs and an expected $4 billion of cuts in education. California is now setting itself up for the perfect storm of a disastrous disfunction. Financially, residents are going to have to pay more in property taxes while already having a hard enough time dealing with rising inflation and high gas prices. From a quality of life standpoint, the state is deteriorating as crime continues to spiral out of control due to no cash bail policies, and a rise in homelessness now engulfs Los Angeles and San Francisco. When you couple that with a massive deficit that is going to bring your children poorer educational opportunities and an infrastructure at risk - not to mention blackouts because of California's overzealous climate change pandering, one has to really ask themselves why they are even bothering with living there in the first place. Unfortunately, California's political head honcho Gavin Newsom may not even be held accountable for his budget failures as rumors have him reportedly standing by to perhaps run for the White House. But all one has to do is ask: If Newsom couldn't even control California without a record-setting deficit, how will he be expected to run the entire country?