CA Amusement Park Patrons Told Not To Scream On Roller Coasters

California is a hotbed of theme parks, but if you think you're going to sit and scream on roller coasters - think again.

The parks in Cali are set to open on April 1st, but there will be many strict health and safety regulations that park patrons will have to follow, including avoiding screaming, which could spread the COVID-19 virus.

In new guidelines outlined in its "Responsible Reopening Plan," the California Attractions and Parks Association (CAPA) advises theme park visitors to avoid activities that increase the spread of COVID-19, such as singing, shouting, heavy breathing and raising one's voice.

Yelling or screaming on a roller coasters counts very much as "raising one's voice."

Japan put a no-screaming rule in place when it began reopening its amusement parks back in July of 2020. At the time they opened, "The Fuji-Q Highland amusement park" just outside Tokyo got attention for telling roller coaster riders to "please scream inside your heart."

Not being able to be vocal on theme park rides is one of the most foolish rules they have ever tried to put into place, and yet too many violations could get you asked to leave the park.

It sounds legit enough that they would throw people out for screaming too much, but how they regulate it all and how they will force people to leave the park are truly going to be something to monitor.

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Matt has been a part of the Cleveland Sports landscape working in the media since 1994 when he graduated from broadcasting school. His coverage beats include the Cleveland Indians, Cleveland Browns and Cleveland Cavaliers. He's written three books, and won the "2020 AP Sports Stringer Lifetime Service Award."