Buy Terry Bradshaw's Massive Oklahoma Horse Ranch
NFL great and broadcasting legend Terry Bradshaw's massive 744-acre estate is back on the market with an equally massive $22.5 million asking price, but you get what you pay for in this part of Oklahoma.
The estate, which has been for sale for over five years, recently had a purchase fall through and now it's back to the drawing board for the Bradshaw family.
“Unfortunately, despite a series of contract extensions after repeated assurances and promises from the buyer, as well as his agents and other representatives, the buyer sadly failed to follow through, perform, fund and close the transaction,” Icon Global’s Bernard Uechtritz said in a statement published by the Dallas Morning News. “So as of today, the entire ranch is back on the market, and it’s now not a matter of if it will sell but to whom.
“The property and facilities are a turnkey-ready proposition for a major equestrian player in the horse business or continued use as a cattle or private recreational ranch. The ranch is an hour from Dallas and Fort Worth.”
Are you ready to be a legitimate player on the Oklahoma equestrian scene? Terry, 74, seems ready to play ball.
According to Terry's realtor, Icon Global:
The Terry Bradshaw Quarter Horses Ranch is located in The Red River Valley of Southern Oklahoma in sought-after Love County, Oklahoma. This premier ranch consists of 744± acres, made up primarily of improved grasses with a gradual elevation change. Currently in operation as a working equestrian and cattle ranch, it is capable of running 200 AU in ideal weather conditions.
The Terry Bradshaw Quarter Horses Ranch overlooks the Red River with miles of frontage along the Corps of Engineers- managed property adjacent to the River. There are 8 lakes ponds/small lakes strategically situated throughout the property assuring an abundance of water resources, delivering all the components necessary for hay production, working cattle and horse facilities and grasses essential to a superb hay.
Ranch facilities are functional and good stewardship is amply demonstrated by the condition of the pastures as well as the excellently maintained condition of all capital improvements and infrastructure.
We're talking a main house that features six bedroom, eight bathrooms, a massive great room to watch the Fox NFL pregame show and plenty of space to have barbeque and cornbread meals with multiple levels of your extended family.
We're talking four brick fireplaces; a Sonos sound system to prove this place is up-to-the-date; a sauna; a stone dog house; a 2,600 sq. ft. equestrian center manager's house; four-bedroom bunkhouse.
This is a retreat. It's a place you come to disappear from society until you're needed on Sunday mornings.
Now, you're probably thinking this ranch is out in the middle of nowhere. You're partly right. WinStar Casino, where all the Texans come to gamble -- Johnny Manziel famously showed off his winnings here in 2013 -- is five miles from the Bradshaw estate. Costco is approximately 70 miles south in suburban Dallas, but that's not bad when you're going 90 down I-35 in your dually. The nearest Taco Bell is 16 miles south down in Gainesville, TX.
In other words, Terry's place isn't exactly remote if you own a private jet. The trip to DFW wouldn't be great.
Mortgage: A bunch. Just think of how much it'll cost you to hire staff to take care of the grounds. Holy crap.

The great room at Terry Bradshaw's Oklahoma ranch. via Icon Global

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