Bruce Springsteen's 'Kamala-Obama' Rally Concert Was Shockingly Bad

Well, Bruce Springsteen has officially become insufferable. Add him to the list. Sad!

Look, I grew up well after Bruce's prime. I'm 31. Bruce is 75. When he was on top of the world back in the 80s and 90s, I was either not alive or taking 12 naps a day. No time for Bruce. 

To be honest, the most I ever listen to Springsteen is during Christmas, when his holiday hit plays 47 times a day on the FM radio. Santaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Claus is comin' to town, oh yeah!

Yeah, that one. Get ready for it, by the way, because it's coming in a week. Strap in. 

Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah! 75-year-old Bruce pledged his allegiance to Kamala Harris at the Harris-Obama rally in Georgia Thursday night – sounds like a ball, doesn't it? – and then proceeded to play a 4-minute acoustic song that melted the internet. 

Honestly, between this banger, and the NFL refs being a bunch of hacks over on Thursday Night Football, it was quite a night for the internet. Solid stuff all around!

We won't get into the second part right now. That's for another time. But we WILL dive into Bruce. Enjoy!

The internet reacts to Bruce Springsteen

My God. Again, full disclosure, I ain't a Bruce Springsteen guy. Nothing against the guy – beyond the predictable gaslighting – but he's just before my time. 

So, I did what any good Big J would do and asked my boss – a BIG Springsteen guy – if this was normal. I had no idea when it popped up on my Twitter last night. I thought it sounded awful, but maybe I just wasn't mature enough to appreciate true Springsteen music?

Here's what I gathered: it's Bruce's normal voice, so there was nothing off there. But, he apparently has a tendency to go acoustic nowadays, and when he does, it sounds like ass. 

That above video is … ass. No other way to swing it. That sounded awful. Just awful. And you know what? If he was singing at a Trump rally, I'd say the same thing. I have to be fair, and when a four-minute video goes viral because it sounds like nails on a chalkboard, I have no choice but to report on it. 

So, reporting I am! Let's check in with the internet to see if anyone else noticed:

Yeah, that's what I thought. I knew I wasn't crazy. 

Again, this is nothing against Bruce the singer. My dad (and boss!) tells me he was great, so I believe them. They're both way smarter than I am. But I'm just here to tell you – and them – that he may have lost his fastball. That's all. 

PS: surely the crowd was there for Kamala and Obama, and not just Bruce, right?

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.