Brock Purdy's Sister Is Very Relevant, Woke Mike Freeman Says 'Black Derek Carr' Would Be Punished & Airline Pilot Charged With 83 Counts Of Attempted Murder
Welcome to a Monday Nightcaps, where I'm gonna power through my Sunday Night Football hangover and try to act excited for Brock Purdy vs. Kirk Cousins even though I'm still thoroughly disgusted by last night's game.
I miss the replacement refs. There. I said it. Start holding these part-time lawyers accountable or I will walk. (not really, but whatever).
It's a new week, and, sadly, the final full week of October. You know what that means? We're like nine days away from Mariah Carey for the next two months.
The only thing worse than last night's officials is the blatant disrespect for Halloween and Thanksgiving this country shows every year by immediately transitioning to Christmas at 12:01 a.m. on Nov. 1.
Makes me sick. But hey! Today is National Horror Movie Day, which could not be more perfect for this column. Let's Michael Myers this bad boy up and crank out a new Mount Rushmore.
What else? I'll talk about the frauds in stripes from yesterday in a bit. Not just the Dolphins game, either. All over. It was horrible.
Woke USA Today writer Mike Freeman is BACK, baby! Even though literally nobody asked for it or was even thinking it, this dummy decided to crank out maybe the dumbest take you'll see all day. He's a treat.
Obviously we're gonna talk about tonight's game by introducing Brock Purdy's sister, Whittney Purdy, to the class. I've quickly come to realize that the Purdy family is an absolute UNIT.
Anything else? Maybe we'll check the mail today, too. Haven't done that in a while and it's starting to get a little full.
OK, let's all be like last night's refs, put on some blinders and just focus in on a Monday class. Pour a drink if you want -- Lord knows I am.
Let's all welcome Brock Purdy's sister, Whittney, to Nightcaps!
I don't feel like messing around today -- this day truly is miserable when your team loses on Sunday -- so I'm just gonna pump out the content and let the chips fall where they may.
Week 7 ends tonight with your classic Brock Purdy vs. Kirk Cousins showdown, which should end with a 49ers win. I don't hate Kirk Cousins OVER 1.5 tuddies, though. Garbage time touchdowns count the same, you know.
Anyway, looking for a big bounce back game here from Brock Purdy. I think he's got it in him, and so does his sister, Whittney.
Don't know how I stumbled upon her, but I'm glad I did. Big fan. What a family.
Yesterday was truly embarrassing for the NFL
Welcome to class, Whittney Purdy! Tell all your friends. We're open M-F from around 4 till close. Hope you like a good Mount Rushmore.
Now, let's get back to business.
The NFL should be embarrassed by the product it put on the field yesterday in the form of referees. It was maybe the worst day I can remember, and that's saying something.
I'm obviously beyond annoyed about the Dolphins game last night, but it wasn't just that. The Browns-Colts game was a disaster. The ending of the Steelers-Rams game was bad. The Bill got screwed against the Pats.
These idiots have to start being held accountable. When people suck at their job in real life, they get fired. If nobody read this column, I'd be bagging groceries at the Publix right now -- which, frankly, doesn't sound awful. Love Publix.
But these idiots just get to make bad call after bad call and just get away with it. No repercussions. No consequences. Nothing. Unless they really make a controversial call, we barely even get to talk to them.
How about this? At the very least, bring them to the damn podium after each game and make them answer us.
First question: "Hey, dummy, does this look legal to you?"
Mike Freeman checks in with a SCORCHING take on Derek Carr
There are more, but I don't have the time nor energy today. I'm not one to usually complain about refs, and I know you're just gonna say "well, that's what they all say," and that's fine. But I really don't.
But what I watched yesterday was disgusting from 1 p.m. to 11 p.m., and rich and recently-extended Roger Goodell needs to get off his lazy ass and fix it. STAT.
Now, the only and I mean ONLY person in this country who should be more embarrassed this morning than those above refs is USA Today's woke champ, Mike Freeman.
Mike blocked OutKick years ago because God forbid he gets called out every once in a while, so he probably won't see this. Sad.
But, for those who missed it -- and nobody reads USA Today anymore, so you all did -- here's Woke Mike's latest work of art from this morning:
White players can act this way with few repercussions. A Black Derek Carr would be obliterated by now (Black Derek Carr is going to be the name of my next fantasy team).
Fox News would run segments called "Where Are The Black Fathers?" if Black quarterbacks acted the way Carr consistently does. In some ways, the same goes for Black coaches. They would get pummeled if they yelled at players the way Alabama coach Nick Saban does.
Black athletes have to be flawless. Anything less than a perfect temperament is viewed as problematic. This double standard happens both on and off the field.
I doubt this will be the last time we see Carr publicly scream at a teammate. But if Carr does it again, he'll be fine. The media criticism will be muted. You know why?
Because he's not Black.
Lets go flying with Alaska Airlines!
Truly, truly unhinged stuff right there -- and those are just a couple snippets. "Black athletes have to be flawless" is hilarious.
Dude -- Deshaun Watson is literally one of the richest athletes in America and that happened AFTER he was accused of sexually assaulting like two dozen women.
Doesn't matter to Mike, though. Leave it to him -- and the sinking ship known as Gannett (believe me when I tell you, it's bad over there) -- to conjure up some sort of racial divide even though it's literally not there.
Nobody likes making things more black & white than the liberal sports media. Don't you ever forget that.
Anyway, you can reach Mike on his Twitter to further discuss your thoughts on it ...
Just kidding! He protected his account because he's maybe the softest human alive.

Hilarious. What a joke. So pathetic, yet so, so predictable. You wanna know why USA Today and Gannett are literally hemorrhaging readers and money?
Mike Freeman's official title with them is Race and Inequality Editor. Between that and the newly-posted ad for a full-time Taylor Swift beat writer, they certainly have their priorities perfectly aligned with American interests.
Thank God I'm with FOX now.
Also, thank God I don't fly Alaska Airlines:
Checking the mail on a Monday
An off-duty Alaska Airlines pilot taking a ride Sunday in the jump seat of a flight out of Everett attempted to shut down the engines inflight and had to be subdued, the pilot is heard saying in a recording of the exchange with air traffic controllers.
Horizon Air flight 2059 from Everett to San Francisco diverted to Portland where it landed safely, and the Alaska Airlines pilot was arrested.
“I’ll just give you a heads-up. We’ve got the guy that tried to shut the engines down out of the cockpit,” the pilot told Portland air traffic control in a calm voice. “It doesn’t seem like he’s causing any issue at the back. I think he’s subdued.”
By the way, there were 83 other souls on board this flight. You know what that means for our crazy off-duty pilot here?
He's being charged with 83 -- 83! -- counts of attempted murder.

There are about three more pages of charges that I didn't feel like showing, but you get the gist. Just another reason I'm a big fan of the ground. Flying is truly the worst.
Mail time!
From Charlottesville Jake!
Look, I'm a big Chick-Fil-A fan. Pretty decent food at a pretty decent price, with the best staff in the fast food business. But do you know who also loves Chick-Fil-A? My three young kids. Do you know why? Because it's food for children.
And what's the deal with those pathetic flaccid pickles they put on the chicken sandwich? How did they even come up with that idea? "You know what this delicious piece of juicy chicken needs? The cheapest, most garbage pickles you can find."
Also, what is this whole geographical bias nonsense? Popeye's was started in New Orleans!
In closing, if you're over the age of 8, Popeye's > Chick-Fil-A. Grow up, you child.
Thanks, Jake!
That's obviously in response to Friday's Nightcaps in which I called Chick-Fil-A the undisputed best chicken joint in the US of A. I like Popeye's just fine -- great theme song. It's not Chick-Fil-A. Silly take. And how about this? The pickles at Chick-Fil-A? Elite. The First Lady orders extra on her sandy. True story.
I was also in NOLA this summer. Cool place. Liked it a lot. Saw more masks in three days than I saw in three years in Florida. Next.
Take us home, Michael Myers
OK, let's end this bad boy with a bang so we can get to the Brock Purdy vs. Kirk Cousins showdown.
Today is National Horror Movie Day. If you read last week's Power Rankings, you know that not only is Halloween the best holiday, but horror is the best genre of movie.
You know where this is going, right? I'm gonna adlib a bit, though, and make it a Mount Rushmore of slasher films because, frankly, it's easier that way and I'm tired.
I would also accept: Scream 2, the one Friday the 13th where Jason is an astronaut or that one Halloween where Paul Rudd inexplicably makes his film debut.
And on that note, let's go have a damn week.
(PS: Courteney Cox in Scream 2 is PEAK Courteney Cox)
OutKick Nightcaps is a daily column set to run Monday through Friday at 4 p.m. (roughly, we’re not robots).
Are Brock Purdy and Whittney Purdy elite? Email me at