Brittany Mahomes Tells The Trump Haters To Shove It With A Spicy Fall Photoshoot

Brittany Mahomes woke up yesterday and found herself under siege from the lunatic lefties on social media. Why? Oh, come on! You know why!

She … kinda-sorta … implied that she was pro-Donald Trump. As you all know, that's a sin in today's world. Can't do it. If you don't despise Trump with the rage of a thousand suns, you are a right-wing nut who doesn't know his (or her!) ass from his (or her!) elbow. 

That, of course, is doubly true when it comes to the sports world. God forbid our athletes support Donald Trump. Can't do it. Steph Curry and Steve Kerr can be insufferable and spew lies at the DNC for days on end, and nobody will say a word. 

But the second Brittany Mahomes likes a post about Donald Trump's proposed changes should he win the election, the pitchforks come out and the crazies start to attack. A tale as old as time. 

That's what happened to poor Brittany Mahomes yesterday. She liked a Trump post – liked!! – and people got pissed. She responded with a fiery takedown via her Instagram story, but that wasn't enough. 

She then told the haters to hit the bricks by dying her hair spicy orange and slugging down some Pumpkin Spice lattes. 

The haters are in SHAMBLES!

Pumpkin spice szn but hold the pumpkin bc we’re keeping it spicy. 

Brittany Mahomes needs to lead the charge

God, I love Brittany Mahomes. And you know what? I'd like to go ahead and take my victory lap right now, because most of you have HATED Brittany for years now. I defended her to the death last year, and all I got was pushback. 

She's a brat! 

Oh, really? Still think that, hotshots? Didn't think so. She's a Trump girl. And by the way, Patrick Mahomes is a Trump guy, and, frankly, most of the league is with him. They won't admit it because they'll get canceled and banished forever, but it's true. 

Athletes like Trump. Some are open about it – hello, Harrison Butker! – and some are starting to come around to the idea of being open about it. 

That's what we have here. Brittany Mahomes is leading the charge. Imagine if Pat just comes out and says screw it and tells the world he's voting for Trump in a few months. This place would burn. Seriously, the internet would melt. 

It would be chaos. RGIII would be hired back at ESPN just so he could freak out. Keith Olbermann would explode. Mike Freeman and Nancy Armour would take out a special section over at USA Today just to take down the entire Mahomes empire. 

I hope it happens. I NEED the Mahomes' to throw their support at Donald Trump. God, please let it happen. 

Thank you, Brittany! Don't bend the knee!

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.