Brittany Mahomes Infuriates The Internet With Latest Swimsuit Pic, Caption

In the last three days alone, we've had Donna Kelce, Jason Kelce, and now, Brittany Mahomes, back in the news after a long, blissful hibernation. 

Must mean football season is right around the corner! Someone get eyeballs on Taylor Swift, STAT, because she's bound to do something dumb any day now. 

But I'm not here to pile on. Nope. Actually, quite the opposite. As I usually do, I'm here to defend Brittany Mahomes. Defend her! I drew a line in the sand last year and decided I'd go to bat for Brittany, because I think she gets a bad rap. 

I can't stand the Kelce Bros. I can't stand Taylor Swift. I really can't stand Jackson, although nobody can. But Brittany? I'm in. All in. 

So, when she posted a HEATER of a swimsuit picture to her Instagram this week – which can be seen here – and then angered everyone with this caption – Daily reminder to: Take care of your body. Your health is important. And….currently look nothing like this – I decided it was time to step back in. 

Get off your high horse, internet losers

So, here's the deal … all the woke losers jumped in Brittany's comments and started firing off scorching hot takes at her. They're FURIOUS at Brittany Mahomes today, because she made a tongue-and-cheek joke about not looking like a Sports Illustrated Swimsuit model anymore because she's very pregnant. 

During normal times, people would've just admired the hot girl in the red bikini and not paid attention to the caption. But, we live in 2024. 

The progressive, virtue-signaling lunatics have taken over, and they're ready to pounce the SECOND they smell blood in the water. 

For example:

This is not a healthy reminder to take care of yourself. Posting a picture like this, half naked is just for attention. You can be healthy and not look like that.

She doesn't even look like this! Notice the shading on her ribs, hips and cleavage. We are never going to escape toxic diet and body culture as long as ish like this continues to be marketed as "healthy" and "attainable.

Daily reminder….you do not need to look like that to be healthy. Just sayin.

And why are you posting this? No one cares. Enjoy your pregnancy and stop focusing on this. 

But we can be healthy and NOT look like this.

Just another chance to show off 🙄. You’re boring us. 

Daily reminder. Buy a bathing suit that fits.

Hey, @pelainyoung – shut up. How about that? Maybe we don't want Brittany Mahomes to wear a bathing suit "that fits." Ever think about that? Maybe we're all perfectly fine letting her strut around in a tiny red bikini for as long as she likes. 

I mean, these people are INSANE. Imagine seeing a picture of a hot, Sports Illustrated swimsuit model posing in a red bikini and thinking to yourself, ‘I have to go after her for this. This isn’t right. All women are beautiful.'


Happy Friday!

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.