Britney Spears Is Beefing With Ozzy Osbourne Over Social Media Dancing As 2024 Continues To Deliver The Goods

A quick peek behind the curtain: every morning when I wake up, I scroll through news sites and social media like it's my job, which it pretty much is. I'm looking to see what pieces of news I can spin into gold like some kind of semi-internet-savvy Rumpelstiltskin. 

For this reason, not a whole lot of what I see surprises me. The world is weird these days, and I've got to be knee-deep in it for a living.

But, I must say, what I saw this morning surprised me, and made me think I had somehow fallen into a tear in the fabric of time and space while I was sleeping and somehow landed back in the early 2000s.

That's because we've got Britney Spears beefing with Ozzy Osbourne.

I didn't think that was something that could happen today. Maybe in like 2002. Britney was on top of the world, Ozzfest was chugging along, and The Osbournes was one of the most talked-about shows on TV.

But it's happening today, and even wilder, it's a very modern beef.

It all started with comments Ozzy made on his podcast (there's very contemporary aspect of this beef No. 1). 

I didn't realize he had a podcast, but it turns out he does, and it involves the whole family getting together for a chat. On the latest episode, Jack, Sharon, Kelly, and Ozzy were talking about TikTok dances (very 2024 aspect No. 2) when the Black Sabbath frontman brought up Spears.

"I'm fed up of seeing poor old Britney Spears on YouTube every f---king day," the Prince of Darkness said of her social media dancing. "It's sad; very, very sad."

Aw, c'mon, guys. It can't be that bad, can it?

Alright… so, maybe Ozzy had a point.

The rest of the family concurred, and while there wasn't anything particularly mean in there, you can't come at Britney Spears' dancing and not expect a rebuttal from the Twirler In Chief herself.

And rebut, she did…

Britney Spears Returns Fire At Osbournes Over Social Media Dancing Beef

Britney decided to respond the only way she seems to know how, and that was with a rambling Notes app diatribe posted on Instagram (contemporary aspect No. 3; we've got a hat trick, kids).

After talking about how much she admired Kate Beckinsale (in fairness, I think we've all fired off a rambling post like that at some point), teaching dance classes, and her health, Spears fired a final shot at the Osbourne family for daring to besmirch the good name of her Instagram dancing.

"I'm gonna do a photo shoot with Kate (Beckinsale( and tell the Osbourne family who is the most boring family known to mankind to kindly f--k off?"

Britney, let's not say things we can't take back. The Osbournes are a lot of things, boring isn't one of them. The man snorted ants, peed on the Alamo, and bit the head off a bat.

That's not even in the same zip code as boring, and I didn't even mention the part where he was part of the band that set the blueprint for heavy metal.

But Britney loves her dancing like a social media dancing like a child — maybe even more — so I can understand when she'd fly off the handle at even the slightest critique of her social media whirling dervish-ness.

It's a shame that Ozzy and Britney can't find some common ground. Ozzy would probably think that the time she danced with knives was pretty cool. 

However, the Osbournes aren't ones to shy away from a dust-up, some we'll see if they return fire on the next episode of their podcast.

Geez; what a time to be alive…

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.