British Guy Goes Viral Falling In Love With America Listening To Country Music & Driving A Truck To Hooters

Nobody’s had a better time visiting America than this British guy.

The sun was shining, he was driving a pickup truck, listening to some country music on his way to the nearest Hooters.  The experience left him with a smile he couldn't wipe off his face.

I'm not sure where he picked up the idea that these were the ingredients necessary for the ultimate American experience, but for the most part he nailed it.

You could replace the type of vehicle and the music - that's the beauty of this country - but as long as Hooters is the destination, I think the smile will be just as hard to wipe off.

Five minutes into his trip, he broke out his phone and started recording the spoils of unadulterated freedom that America provides. With a shit eating grin on his face he said, "I’ve been driving for five minutes now, and I can’t wipe this smile off my face." 

"I’m driving a RAM truck in America. Like look how sick this is!," he continued as he flipped the camera around to show the open road in front of him. "Country music on the radio…"

He then flips the camera back around on the video, which has more than a million views, to announce, "I’m going to Hooters in a Ram truck in America boys! Yee haw! Praise for freedom!!!"

This British Guy Is Head Over Heels In Love With America

America is awesome, and you don't have to take my word for it.  Just listen to how much fun this dude is having. You can't fake that level of excitement. He's never enjoyed that much freedom in his entire life.

That's a fact. How do I know, because he's now trying to turn his viral success into an extended stay in these United States. An extended stay where he hooks up with Ram and Hooters and takes a one of a kind tour of the country.

He's hoping the internet will be able to work its magic and make it happen.

The Brit even took to Instagram today and asked for help. He said, "I need your help contacting Hooters and Ram Trucks. I want to drive to every state in America and visit every Hooters."

Now that's a dream we can all get behind.

At the end of that tour, he'd probably want to apply for citizenship immediately. Throw in a football game or two along the way and there's no chance he wouldn’t want to call America home.

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Sean is a cubicle life escapee and proud member of OutKick's Culture Department. He enjoys long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and puppies - only one of those things is true.