Bride Gets Trashed, Rolls Around On The Ground After Vowing To Not Get Too Drunk At Her Wedding

A bride headed into her big day with the best of intentions.  She was going to enjoy herself at her wedding, but she was going to do so responsibly, and she wasn't going to get too drunk.

The footage from after she tied the knot tells a different story.  Her loving sister Ashleigh Stead documented bride Tanya's attempt to keep her promise and shared it on TikTok.

The caption of the 22-second video reads, "When the brides swears she won't get too drunk at hee wedding... ICONIC 💙"

The footage shows the bride going from completely sober during her first dance to rolling around on a small stage as the evening progressed.  She had become a drunk bride.

So she fell a little short of her pledge to not get too drunk at her wedding.  She had a good time, made some memories for others if not for herself, and starred in her sister's viral video.

That sounds like the perfect start to a marriage.  The only way to ensure not getting wrapped up in the fun and having too much to drink is by having a dry wedding.

The Bride Didn't Want To Drink Too Much, But She Wasn't Going To Ruin Everyone Else’s Fun

Nobody wants that.  Trust me, even people who don't drink don't want that.  Alcohol at a wedding is the prize for having to sit through or participate in the ceremony itself.

People relax, they have a good time, and provide some much needed entertainment to an otherwise boring waste of a day.  The ceremony is for the two people getting married and that's it.

Almost everyone else in attendance would much rather be somewhere else.  Sometimes a bride gets trashed along the way and ends up rolling around on the ground.

It happens, it happened here, and it's worth it.  There's no reason to take away everyone's fun because you don't want to start the honeymoon off with a hangover.

Props to this bride for not going the dry wedding route and causing her wedding guests to seek entertainment elsewhere.  She wanted not to get too drunk, but she wasn't willing to make everyone else suffer.

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Sean is a cubicle life escapee and proud member of OutKick's Culture Department. He enjoys long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and puppies - only one of those things is true.