Brazilian Model Who Battled It Out With Moms Over An Outfit Says Being Too Beautiful Has Become A Prison

Making your dreams come true doesn't magically erase all of your problems. Oftentimes you're faced with a whole new set of issues that you've got to somehow figure out.

Brazilian model Janaina Prazeres knows this all too well. She's had a little work along the way, but it paid off when a dream of hers came true. She landed a Playboy cover.

The magazine labeled her the "The Perfect Woman" and she had no idea what being too beautiful was about to unleash on her life. First there was an incident at Disney with angry moms coming at her for what they decided was an inappropriate outfit.

Can't a perfect woman go to an amusement park and enjoy herself? Apparently not. But that's not all her beauty has done. It's turned into a prison of sorts for Janaina.

"People expect me to be impeccable all the time," the influencer told Need To Know. "Any small flaw becomes a reason for criticism. If I’m without makeup, for example, I get comments saying I look like a completely different person."

I think we can all agree that being too beautiful shouldn’t be a prison sentence

That's not why Janaina worked so hard to achieve her dreams. She's trying to live a "carefree and spontaneous life" here. That doesn't seem possible with angry moms coming at you or people expecting the perfect woman to be perfect all the time.

She's only human. She didn't ask for this kind of attention. And she certainly doesn't deserve to have her appearance turned into a prison. That's exactly what's happened.

"My appearance has become a prison," Janaina added. "Being too beautiful sometimes makes people view me as an object or a trophy."

There's no need for any of that. Being too beautiful should not turn into a prison sentence. The perfect woman title isn't an invitation to set unreal expectations or throw out inappropriate outfit complaints.

Let's take a minute here and learn from this. She shouldn't have a hard time maintaining female friendships or anything like that. Be better people. Don't let someone's beauty bring out your jealousy.