With liberals and leftists up and arms over Elon Musk's acquisition of Twitter, it was only a matter of time before Bomani Jones got in on it. You can breathe easy, ESPN's resident blowhard has chimed in. (Alright, one of their resident blowhards...) On a recent episode of his podcast, The Right Time, Jones took a shot at Musk's decision to buy the social media platform, one of the main tenants of which was to protect free speech. “I don’t notice too many speech limits on the platform as it is,” Jones said. “That was the part that I saw there. I was like, ‘oh wow people can’t do that?’ That’s wild. My mentions don’t necessarily indicate such things.” In fairness to Jones, he wouldn't have noticed any limitations on speech or ideas. However, that's because he is part of the echo chamber that Twitter never attempted to censor and holds left-wing ideologies that Twitter didn't attempt to suppress. So, the best he can do in this instance is plead ignorance to what was a very real issue. “One thing Twitter ain’t never been good at is making money. And he paid a price that was way higher than anybody else would pay, which is to say it’s hard not to think that the reasons he’s doing this are about ideology,” Jones said. “This is such bad business that you can only assume that the motives are ulterior in why it is that he wants to do this.” Careful Bomani; you're starting to sound like a conspiracy theorist. Musk Was Motivated By Ideology: The Importance Of Free Speech From what Musk has said, there's nothing ulterior about his motives. He has acknowledged that Twitter doesn't make money, thereby making his Twitter purchase a risky business decision. However, someone like Musk has enough F-You money to launch people into space in his free time. He can afford to take that kind of risk. To Jones' credit, Musk's purchase was guided — at least to some degree — by ideology. However, it was the novel one that people with differing points of view should be able to have open discussions. That's a radical concept to liberals like Jones. Folks who prefer to not face any opposition to their worldview. People like Jones can't stand the idea of anyone disagreeing with them, which is why they'd rather high-tail it from the Twitterverse than consider a different perspective on an issue. For people who love talking about how open-minded they are; they're pretty close-minded. “In the end I think it’s the users that are gonna have to come around and make a decision,” Jones said. “Like if the conditions of Twitter for you are intolerable, do you have to be there? Like, what are you getting from it?” “It’s going to be terrible with Elon Musk being there, but we’re not entitled to Twitter. We’re not owed to Twitter. We just might have to let it go.” Yup, if things aren't going your way, take your ball and go home. Follow on Twitter: @Matt_Reigle