Black Bear Wanders Into Canadian Gas Station, Steals Pack Of Gummy Bears, Leaves

A black bear broke into a gas station in Canada and made off with one thing: a pack of gummy bears.

It happened near Lake Cowichan on Vancouver Island, British Columbia at Tipton Gas Bar — which sounds weirdly classy — which is owned and operated by Jay and Karen deGoesbriand.

According to the CBC, Jay deGoesbriand was minding his own business behind the counter drinking coffee (this has not been confirmed, but it's probably safe to assume it was Tim Horton's) when all of a sudden, the unexpected customer wandered into his establishment.

Security footage shows the bear lumbering through the aisles past chocolates, various jerkies, and other treats, before settling on gummy bears.

This is a solid candy choice. Especially if they were Haribo, the gold standard in gummy bears, But it's a little vain for the bear to go gummy bears. It'd be like if a kangaroo broke into the gas station and made off with a pack of Dunkaroos.

We get it. You're on the package. Act like you've been here before.

"Mr. Bear then went out in the parking lot and ate ," Jay said.

Meanwhile, his wife had what could be the most upbeat response anyone has ever had to a shoplifter; bear or otherwise.

"I thought it was so cool," Karen said. "Obviously has a sweet tooth."

This comes as there's an influx of bear encounters across British Columbia. Of course, this is the time of year when bears are crushing as many calories as they can before they call it a winter and go into hibernation.

Unfortunately, black bears that get too used to people - like this one that cruised into a gas station and stole a pack of candy - can pose a public safety concern,

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.