Billy McFarland Teases Second Fyre Festival
Billy McFarland might be ready to, once again, dabble in attempting to host a massive festival.
McFarland was infamously behind the failed Fyre Festival in the Bahamas with Ja Rule. It was billed as the greatest festival to ever exist, and had major names attached in promoting the event, including Kendall Jenner..
However, it was a complete disaster and ultimately nothing more than a huge scam. McFarland was sentenced to six years in federal prison for engaging in fraud tied to the festival. He was released after serving nearly four years, and he's now apparently ready to try it again.
Billy McFarland (jokingly?) tweets Fyre Festival II is happening.
McFarland apparently just can't help himself because he tweeted Sunday night that a second attempt at the festival "is finally happening."
It's unclear whether or not he's being serious, and he didn't offer up any follow-up details.
McFarland is also in huge financial trouble. He was sentenced to forfeit over more than $26.1 million, which it doesn't take a genius to know McFarland doesn't have.
The fraudster previously teased that he was spending half his time focusing on "coming up with" something "wild creative, getting talent together, and delivering the moment" in order to pay the money back.
It appears having a new festival might be this crazy idea he's been cooking up.
Will anyone fall for this?
If this is real - which remains unclear - you'd have to be a grade-A moron to get involved. Fyre Festival was an absolute debacle.
There was a lack of food, solid housing conditions and a lack of bathrooms. People flew to the Bahamas thinking they were going to have the time of their life.
Instead, they were met with disaster and a scene out of a third world country.

Billy McFarland teases Fyre Festival II. (Jefferson Siegel/New York Daily News/Tribune News Service via Getty Images)
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. That's the simplest way to sum up this situation. There's simply no reason to believe Billy McFarland will all of a sudden make a successful Fyre Festival after the first disaster. Remember, he owes people more than $26 million. Getting involved with him financially seems like playing Russian roulette.
Having said all that, I can't wait to see the new documentaries if Fyre Festival II actually happens. That will be content that keeps us in business for years to come.