Bill Maher Slams Woke College Students In Argument With Neil deGrasse Tyson

Bill Maher continues to hammer wokeness, and he laid into woke college students during an interview with Neil deGrasse Tyson.

Maher has been a steady voice standing in opposition to the woke mind virus sweeping across America. The "Real Time with Bill Maher" host regularly calls out woke nonsense, and that often includes the insanity we've all watched unfold on college campuses for years.

However, Neil deGrasse Tyson doesn't seem to think it's that big of a deal, and Maher wasn't having any of it.

"So why is it their fault and not your fault," Tyson asked when Maher was talking about how college campuses have gone insane and he won't perform there anymore.

"I have given up on any place that doesn't even remotely attempt to believe in free speech, and thinks that anything they hear that they don't like, that they don't agree with is violence. These people are f*cking nuts, and you should be calling them out," Maher passionately told the popular astrophysicist on a new episode of "Club Random," according to Fox News.

He further tore into woke college students and campuses by adding, "You're doing what parents do: You're taking the path of least resistance, and therefore hurting the kids and yourself. Parents ruin both their lives. They ruin their f---ing spoiled kids' lives, and they ruin their own lives because the kids rule the roost. So that's what you're doing on a national level."

Tyson attempted to block Maher's attack by claiming he's avoiding "land mines" and claimed, "It's not good enough to be right, you also have to be effective."

Maher and Neil deGrasse Tyson argue about transgender athletes.

The two also argued about transgender athletes competing in women's sports - a very hot topic these days in America. Instead of taking a bold stand for women's sports, Tyson suggested categorizing athletes by hormone levels.

"So all I’m saying is, what is it that makes the man, the ‘man’?. Is it the hormones? OK. If it’s the hormones, and you decide to give yourself a different cocktail of hormones — I’m making this up, by the way. I’m not saying it should happen this way. It’s a way to start thinking about it. Maybe the track meets have hormone categories," he told Maher, according to the same Fox News report. That's an absolutely insane stance to take. This guy is an astrophysicist? Just crazy.

Maher also pushed back on the idea injecting children with hormones is safe or a good idea, but Tyson wasn't having it.

"So you feel this way because you’re concerned about — you are so deeply concerned about the health of the people who try to find their place on the gender spectrum? You care about their health so much that you don’t want them to go through that," he retorted.

Maher continues to prove he's a vocal voice of reason on the left, which is becoming rarer and rarer with every passing day. Colleges have gone insane - look at students rallying in support of Hamas - and things have been trending worse for years. Props to Bill Maher for taking a stand. More and more people need to speak up. Send me your reactions to

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David Hookstead is a reporter for OutKick covering a variety of topics with a focus on football and culture. He also hosts of the podcast American Joyride that is accessible on Outkick where he interviews American heroes and outlines their unique stories. Before joining OutKick, Hookstead worked for the Daily Caller for seven years covering similar topics. Hookstead is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin.