Bill Maher: It's High Time To Cancel 'Cancel Culture' And Era Of Hyper-Sensitivity
Not even Bill Maher can keep up with cancel culture these days. And even the liberal political commentator wants it to end.
"Cancel culture is real, it's insane, and it's growing exponentially, and it's coming to neighborhood near you" Maher said on HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher. "If you think it's just for celebrities ... no. In an era where everyone is online, everyone is a public figure."
Maher wasn't finished.
"Is this really who we want to become -- a society of phony clenched-asshole avatars, walking on eggshells, looking over your shoulder about getting ratted out for something that actually has nothing to do with your character or morals?" Maher asked. "Think about everything you've ever texted, emailed, searched for, tweeted, blogged or said in passing."
As Maher went on to say, all of it could get you "cancelled," and it may have nothing to do with who you are or what you really believe. He also shared a poll that indicated 62 percent of Americans have political views that they're afraid to share.
Why? Because those Americans likely feel their political opinions aren't worth hassle, or worth running the risk of losing their jobs by being cancelled.
"All (races of Americans) hate the current atmosphere of hyper-sensitivity," Maher said. "Yet everybody hates it, and not one stands up to it."
Maher's comments can be viewed in a tweet entitled, "Memo to social Justice warriors: when what you're doing sounds like an Onion headline, stop." View it in its entirety below. We don't say this about Maher often, but this time, he's well worth the watch.