Bill Maher Torches Media's Coverage Of Campus Protests

Bill Maher didn't hold back when torching the media's coverage of the campus protests around America.

Anti-America/anti-Israel/pro-Hamas protests have engulfed many campuses with varying degrees of success. At UCLA, Columbia and George Washington University, protesters were able to gain serious ground before cops had to clear them out.

At SEC schools and UNC, no safe refuge was found for the pro-Hamas crowd. Students at Alabama, LSU and Ole Miss crushed the anti-America rallies and kids at UNC famously protected a fallen American flag.

Yet, the media only seems interested in promoting the narrative that the mob is made up of heroes who should be the USA's sole focus. Maher has had enough.

Bill Maher slams media's coverage of campus protests.

"It's time for the media to admit they blew the whole thing way out of proportion because, as always with the media these days, they don't cover what's most important. Just what's most fun to watch. There are 15.2 million college students in the US and 2,300 have been arrested. That's 1/167th of 1% and half of the ones in New York weren't even students. But we were given the false impression that these protesters are the voice of their generation having found a cause for which they're willing to go to the tens and to the barricades. Oh, please. These kids are more violent when their team wins a championship," the HBO star said Friday night.

"When these kids chant, 'The whole world is watching,' they're right but only because you a**holes with the cameras won't show anything else. Isn't there a bear in a swimming pool somewhere you should be covering," Maher further told his audience.

He then rattled off a list of stereotypes the media pushes and false reporting while noting, "You have to care about the truth. The media doesn't care about it because they know you don't care. That you just want to hear your side. So, at some point, you need to take a step back, look around and be really honest. Are you actually as f*cked as your news feed tells you you are?"

You can watch his full comments below, and make sure to send me your thoughts at

Maher is 100% correct when it comes to the media's coverage of the campus insanity. Instead of framing the narrative as people - many of whom have no idea what is actually going on in foreign affairs - breaking the law by seizing buildings and setting up huge encampments, the media has made these morons heroes.

At the same time, very few outlets are even bothering to shine a light on the pro-America side. Just OutKick and a small handful of other outlets are sharing the stories of students standing up for the USA. OutKick was literally the only outlet in the country to pull back the curtain on the NAACP's refusal to provide evidence two Ole Miss students were racist.

Why is that? Does the truth not matter? Or, as Maher pointed out, is the media just interested in pushing what it wants? I think we all know the answer.

Breaking the law doesn't make you a hero, and these protesters aren't martyrs. If I'm the only one in the media with the courage to say it, then so be it. That's what sets us apart and I won't apologize for it. Let me know your thoughts at

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David Hookstead is a reporter for OutKick covering a variety of topics with a focus on football and culture. He also hosts of the podcast American Joyride that is accessible on Outkick where he interviews American heroes and outlines their unique stories. Before joining OutKick, Hookstead worked for the Daily Caller for seven years covering similar topics. Hookstead is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin.