Bill Maher Rips People Who Hate America With Blunt Message

Bill Maher doesn't have much tolerance for people who hate America.

Rapper Macklemore has been facing intense scrutiny after saying "F*ck America!" during a recent concert. For some reason, he decided to trash the country that made him rich and famous.

It was an unfortunate reminder that some people are detached from reality. America is the greatest country on the planet and we will never apologize for defending and loving it.


Bill Maher calls out Macklemore.

Bill Maher, a consistent voice of reason and common sense on the left, took a moment to point out the absurdity of saying "F*ck America!" during a pro-Palestinian rally.

"I'm sure it was a big hit with the Queers for Gaza crowd, literally advocating for a government that would imprison you or kill you for being queer from the safety and security of a country that doesn't do that. Yes, America.  The only place in the world where a white guy from the suburbs could become a millionaire rapper because here, every person, regardless of race, class or gender has the right to be talent-free," Maher said during the Friday night episode of "Real Time with Bill Maher."

Maher also noted that when the Founding Fathers were young, they were moving the needle in an unprecedented way compared to young people today.

"They started a country. What the f*ck have you done," the popular comedian and HBO host continued. You can watch his full comments below, and let me know your thoughts at

Once again, Maher says what a lot of people are thinking. America might not be perfect, but make no mistake about it, folks.

This is the greatest place on the planet, and we're all incredibly lucky to be Americans. We are beyond blessed to live in the land of the red, white and blue.

There are a lot of idiots who like to trash this beautiful country, but there are many more people like the OutKick audience who love this place.

Never apologize for loving America and being proud of it. I certainly never will, and the fact you're reading this tells me you likely feel the same. Let me know your thoughts at

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David Hookstead is a reporter for OutKick covering a variety of topics with a focus on football and culture. He also hosts of the podcast American Joyride that is accessible on Outkick where he interviews American heroes and outlines their unique stories. Before joining OutKick, Hookstead worked for the Daily Caller for seven years covering similar topics. Hookstead is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin.