Bill Belichick Scored His 24-Year-Old Girlfriend With The Ultimate Pickup Line

If you thought Bill Belichick was a genius manipulator on the football field, just wait until you see how the GOAT goes about his business between the sheets.

How's THAT for an intro sentence? No shot you're hitting that red "X" in the top right corner after reading that. You have no choice but to keep reading now, and you'll be happy you did!

By now you know (or maybe you don't?) that Belichick is – and has been – reportedly dating 24-year-old Jordon Hudson. She's an ex-cheerleader, according to Google. It was a bombshell when news leaked last week because, A) Jordan ain't exactly bad looking, and B) Bill is 72. 

Oh, how do you score a 24-year-old ex-cheerleader when you're 48 years older than her? Well, glad you asked! I would assume having a bank account that looks like Bill's is a huge part of the equation. Once you establish that, you have to do just a little courting …

And Bill courted his BRAINS off with Jordon, according to TMZ:

Bill Belichick is a genius 

From TMZ:

The pic was taken at some point during a February 2021 flight -- after the future Hall of Famer had sat next to Hudson as they were both headed from the Boston area to Florida.

Our sources say at one point during the trip ... Belichick leaned in to inquire about some school work Hudson -- a college student at the time -- had been working on, and they hit it off.

We're told the two talked about Hudson's "Deductive Logic" textbook for a while -- and the conversation was so good, Belichick ultimately autographed the inside cover of it.

Alongside his John Hancock, Belichick wrote to the now 23-year-old, "Thanks for giving me a course on logic!"

I don't know that there's a more alpha move in the history of time than what Bill Belichick pulled off with innocent, college cheerleader Jordon on that airplane in 2021. Insane stuff. 

Signing your John Hancock on the inside of textbook, and ending it by detailing how many Super Bowls you've won, is the stuff of legends.

Bill saw his chance and took it, and buddy, he didn't miss. Usually doesn't, so I'm not surprised. What a move. 

Anyway, back to Jordon …

News of her and Bill's relationship broke last Friday morning and, by nightfall, her Instagram following took off like a rocketship. Now, the bar was set pretty low because the ex-cheerleader only started with 3,000. But, in about 12 minutes, that number doubled to over 6,000. Four days later, it's now over 11,000.

What a rise. What a rollercoaster week for young Jordon.  Can't wait to see what's next. 



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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.