Bill Belichick's Rumored 24-Year-Old Girlfriend Has America's Full Attention

Well, the internet has gone ahead and made Jordon Hudson – the alleged 24-year-old girlfriend of Bill Belichick – the next big star as we get into the meat of summer. 

Color me shocked! 

For those who missed it – and OutKick didn't, because I cannot think of a story more in our wheelhouse – Bill Belichick is apparently dating Jordon Hudson, a 24-year-old ex-cheerleader. That's obviously major news in the world because A) Jordan ain't exactly bad looking, and B) Bill is 72. 

That last part is especially important, because – and I'm not great at math, so double check me here – that would be a sweet 48-year age gap, which is hilarious. First Robert Kraft and Dana Blumberg – his 33-year-younger wife – and now Bill. 

I reckon that's what happens when you win five titles over two decades – the ladies flock to you. Or they leave you, but that's not applicable nor appropriate here. 

Anyway, TMZ broke the news Friday afternoon, and by nightfall, Jordon's Instgram following took off like a rocketship. Now, the bar was set pretty low because the ex-cheerleader only started with 3,000. But, in about 12 minutes, that number doubled to over 6,000. It's still rising as we speak, as I'd imagine it will do all weekend. 

And now, right on cue, she's also set her Instagram shares to private. Can't be tossing around her pictures on the internet. Ain't gonna fly. 

We do, however, know this: Jordan is in the running to be the next Miss Alaska, AND was most recently on a boat with Bill. After making her a social media star within minutes, the internet uncovered these few beauties as well:

Bill Belichick and Jordon Hudson are already the next big thing

Makes the ring camera footage of Belichick making the walk of shame sometime last fall that much better, doesn't it? It all makes sense now. I get it. You get it. Bill 100% knew the mission. 

Anyway, TMZ Sports reports that he was spotted rooting Jordon on during a cheerleading competition in March, and she was with him this week for Tom Brady's Patriots Hall of Fame induction ceremony.

The outlet added that the two first met on a flight from Boston to Florida back in 2021. They're said to have bonded over a philosophy project she was working on and exchanged info after they landed.

Again, hilarious.

They reportedly remained in contact with one another until Belichick and former girlfriend Linda Holliday (not 24) called it quits.  The couple have since been spotted more than once out in the wild.

SeanJo tracked down a couple videos of the two last night like the excellent Big J journo he is, and it's been off to the races for Jordon's stardom ever since. 

Can't wait to see how this story unfolds throughout the summer. Give 'em hell, Bill!


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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.