Ben Affleck's Woke Daughter, 18, Is Making Mask Demands When She Should Be Out Partying Her Ass Off

Great, America has another wealthy, teenage Hollywood nepotism baby running around and it's not Bronny James. 

Meet Violet Affleck, the 18-year-old off-spring of Ben Affleck and his ex-wife Jennifer Garner. Instead of going out to college keggers, or blowing through dad's money on a yacht in Monaco, Violet has been working on her social justice resume by calling for the return of mask mandates. 

So brave. 

In a speech to the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, woke Violet called on officials to "confront the long COVID crisis" by bringing back mask mandates in hospitals and government buildings. 

She wasn't done there.

"I demand mask availability, air filtration and Far-UVC light in government facilities, including jails and detention centers, and mask mandates in county medical faculties," Violet continued while wearing a mask like a lunatic. 

It's like Violet's brain has been permanently paused in 2021 and Dr. Anthony Fauci is controlling her every move. 

"You must expand the availability of high-quality free tests and treatment, and most importantly the county must oppose mask bans for any reason. They do not keep us safer," this teen lunatic added.  

Interestingly enough, Violet wasn't wearing a mask at the White House back in 2022 when she attended a state dinner honoring French President Macron. Interestingly enough, on the very same day Violet wasn't masked with mom inside a government building, Stanford released a report headlined, "Pandemic stress physically aged teens’ brains, a new study finds."

Now here we are in 2024 and Violet's poor brain is calling for mask mandates. This is the legacy we're left with, folks. Instead of getting underage drinking citations, we have the Weirdo Children of the COVID era making mask demands and acting like they've been jailed for the last 10 years of their lives. 

Sure, there brains might've aged due to stress, but that age didn't include any wisdom. 

Violet contends the end of mask mandates makes "vulnerable members of our community less safe" which then makes "everyone less able to participate in Los Angeles together."

Good lord, Violet. 

Go get a public intox in Nashville or an underage container ticket in Vegas. Live a little. Leave this nasty woke world behind before your life is wasted away living like an angry blue-haired lesbian cat lady. 

There's still time. 

Written by
Joe Kinsey is the Senior Director of Content of OutKick and the editor of the Morning Screencaps column that examines a variety of stories taking place in real America. Kinsey is also the founder of OutKick’s Thursday Night Mowing League, America’s largest virtual mowing league. Kinsey graduated from University of Toledo.