Bartender Knocks Woman Out With A Vicious Slap During 'Hurricane Shot'
Why go out to the bar for just drinks when you can have the bartender throw water in your face and slap you like you insulted their mother? It's a question people are asking themselves on a regular basis.
The "Hurricane Shot," which combines everyone's favorite things into one shot, has become a good way to get some views on social media. You take your shot, have the bartender throw some water in your face, then slap you.

The "Hurricane Shot" is all fun and games until the bartender starts knocking the customers out. (Image Credit: Getty)
It's a simple equation for a good time out at the bar and for eyeballs on the internet. What could possibly go wrong when a bartender is slapping around the customers?
Well, I'll tell you. The bartender could be packing a strong enough pimp slap to knock folks unconscious. That happened at an unknown bar to one woman who decided she wanted an assault chaser with her shot.
She pounds the drink, takes the water to the face right on cue, then receives a vicious slap that sends her into next week. Don't worry, the guy recording the video didn't stop the video to catch her.
He let the camera roll as he lied to the woman and made sure she didn’t fall to the ground. He can be heard telling the KO'd woman "You're okay" several times as he catches her and saves her from further damage.
As a bartender, it's probably not a good idea to go around knocking customers unconscious
Hey Buddy, she's not okay. Getting knocked out while taking a shot in a bar is not something that gets put down in the okay column.
The bartender, knowing damn well that she had just knocked the woman out, can be heard asking, "Did I just knock her out?"
Let's see, it wasn’t the cup of water or the shot that did it, she was still standing without any trouble at that point. So, yes you just knocked her out.
The bartender deserves some credit. She could have knocked the woman out and not helped at all.
She did help keep her from hitting the ground, and she did pretend to be surprised that she had nearly smacked the woman's face off her body.
So there's that. She's not a monster. She's just a bartender who loves her job and really enjoys slapping pretty blondes as hard as she can across the face.