Bar Owner Running For Governor Of Tokyo Took Her Shirt Off & Asked If She Was Sexy During Campaign Promo Video

Forget about the 2024 US presidential election for a minute, the race for governor of Tokyo is as interesting as it gets.

I'm not an expert on the matter by any means, but when you throw in a guy dressed up like the Joker, you've got something worth taking a closer look at.  That much I know.

Thankfully, Japan's major broadcaster NHK is required to give airtime to the candidates running for governor of Tokyo.  It's an opportunity for them to promote their campaign.

The Joker spent his time laughing like a mad man, while a 33-year-old cocktail bar owner from Shizuoka by the name of Airi Uchino used her time to connect with voters in an unusual way.

The candidate took her shirt off while asking them if she is sexy.  It's a unique strategy that turns out to be an effective way to promote one's campaign.

The footage of her pitch to voters has gone viral and racked up millions of views.  See the video here.  In it, she asks the tough questions of voters and makes promises that we can only hope she plans to keep.

According to the NY Post, Uchino says in the viral campaign video, "I’m so cute; please watch my campaign broadcast.  Do you think I’m sexy?"

This Is A Candidate Who Knows How To Run An Effective Campaign

Uchino followed that up with a plea to voters to follow her on social media and a promise to message them individually.  She then removed her shirt and glasses, revealing a tube top underneath.

Like a natural politician, she leaned forward to make it look as if she was completely topless while relaying the rest of her message to the voters of Tokyo.  I think that's the kind of lie that most voters can live with.

Some voters surprisingly weren't onboard with Uchino's attempt to gain support.  They claimed that the entrepreneur was only in the race to gain attention for herself.

I'm not sure where they would get a crazy idea like that.  Sure, she gained some attention for herself, but she also reached far more people than she would have otherwise.

I don't know if she ever really wanted to become governor of Tokyo or not.

What I do know is she knows how to run a campaign.  And if it came down to her or the Joker, I think she would do a much better job for the people of Japan's capital.

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Sean is a cubicle life escapee and proud member of OutKick's Culture Department. He enjoys long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and puppies - only one of those things is true.