Bama Fan Struggles To Undo Woman's Bra In One Of The Most Pathetic Heterosexual Moments In SEC History

Unhook it already, Stone Cold!

If the SEC doesn't win the national championship -- again -- in dominating fashion, college football observers can look back to this 27-second video where it's clear the conference is slipping. This video has me shook because the last thing I expected to witness in this lifetime was for some townie to struggle with getting a tatted-up chick, who is ready to party, out of her bra at a football game.

You expect something like this out of Northwestern nerds, not a Stone Cold Bammer -- Watch!

It shouldn't matter how many beers you have, this is something that a red-blooded male of Stone Cold's age bracket should remember just by feel. It's like getting behind the wheel of a 5-speed manual transmission after 20 years of driving an automatic.

The feels should be in the fingertips.

Now, it's entirely possible Stone Cold is fresh out of a divorce and his old lady hadn't allowed him to unclasp the bra in 15 years and he was rusty. But 27 seconds without success is a ridiculous amount of time for the brain and fingertips to fail.

My instincts say these two are freshly separated after horrible marriages. Bailey (just a guess on the name) is ready to party her ass off after catching her husband cheating on her via Facebook Instant Messenger with some former high school skank ex.

This is the look of revenge. Bailey's willing to take huge risks like allowing Stone Cold to go 27 seconds without busting that bra loose without telling him it's over. That shoulder lean tells me everything. She's game. The tats with the lean is a tell. She parties.

All that said, I'm 10000% sure these two aren't married to each other.

Someone prove me wrong. Tell the Bammer couple to write in. I need to hear how this all works out.


Best Reactions To Stone Cold Bammer fumbling with Bailey's bra:

• $100 she's a nurse

• Jeuss guy, use the whole shot clock why don’t you?! 🕰️🕰️🕰️

• @ least take her to the men’s room

• Just sing Dixieland Delight, don’t act it out

• The Alabama Crimson Claspers

• Over the shirt, you pussy! I don't care if there's 3 hooks, you're in public

• Let’s see ‘em hang low.

• “You just twist… until something breaks”- Michael Scott

• Looks like stone cold there had a few too many miller lites

• Anything over .58 seconds over the shirt is unacceptable.

• Why do I get a vibe one or both are married to someone else

• That’s that twice divorced passion right there

• After the first 2/3 fumbles you either gotta stop trying or just commit to two hands and start yanking like it’s an extra difficult bag of chips

• He found a tick

Written by
Joe Kinsey is the Senior Director of Content of OutKick and the editor of the Morning Screencaps column that examines a variety of stories taking place in real America. Kinsey is also the founder of OutKick’s Thursday Night Mowing League, America’s largest virtual mowing league. Kinsey graduated from University of Toledo.