Back To School Includes Capri Sun Recall

Before your child takes that yellow straw off the Capri Sun and punches through the pouch — sometimes all the way through, so that most of the drink spills onto their lap — you should probably check the box.

Just in time for kids to return to schools with packed lunches, Capri Sun has issued a recall.

Kraft Heinz, the company that manufactures the lunchroom staple, is recalling thousands of cases of Wild Cherry Capri Sun after batches became contaminated with cleaning products.


"The voluntary recall comes after diluted cleaning solution, which is used on food processing equipment, was inadvertently introduced into a production line at one of our factories," a Kraft Heinz press release said.

The “Best When Used By” date on the affected cases is June 25, 2023. If you happened to purchase a recalled case of Capri Sun, it can be returned to the store it was purchased from.

The recall isn't a good look, but not the worst

Contamination, of course, is never a good thing. Unless you're on trial for something you know you didn't do, in which case, you'll think contaminated evidence is pretty cool.

Still, Kraft Heinz is probably breathing a sigh of relief. If their product had to be contaminated with anything, cleaning products may provide the best optics.

More often than not, foods and drinks are recalled for something disgusting. Something that shines a light on unseemly health standards in food manufacturing plants. That's not what happened here. It's the complete opposite.

There's a silver lining — as silver as a Capri Sun pouch — to this recall.

At least we know that Kraft Heinz cleans their manufacturing equipment. Apparently they clean so thoroughly that a bit of cleaning solution found its way into a vat of Wild Cherry Capri Sun.

Still, not good, but it paints a much better image to consumers than having to announce a recall because a mouse fell onto a conveyor belt or some dried plums (let's call them what they are: prunes) got contaminated with lead.

Drink up!

Follow on Twitter: @Matt_Reigle

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.