Attractive People Reveal How They Know They're Hot, Answers Are Hilarious
An incredible Reddit thread is going viral, and it might be the funniest thing you see all week.
As OutKick readers know, I'm a big fan of Reddit. You simply never know what you're going to find. Whether it's a serious thread or something funny, the website never disappoints.
People being delusional is right at the top of the list, and that leads me to a thread I found while drinking my coffee (always black with nothing in it) Monday morning.
Reddit thread about being attractive goes viral.
I was scrolling through a site when I saw someone pop the following question:
"Attractive people of Reddit: how do you know you’re attractive?"
I couldn't wait to dive into this topic, and the answers didn't disappoint. Read the responses below, and let me know your thoughts at
- People are generally kinder to you. It doesn't even mean they are specifically attracted to you, but being conventionally attractive, people are generally kinder to you.
- Yep. Noticed that when I lost weight and got in shape. Went from invisible to suddenly everyone is extra nice all the time.
- Honestly, it’s the little things you tend to notice over time. The little glances, the smiles, the laughs or affectionate touches. Idk, life’s kinda crazy in prison sometimes but you know. It’s pretty flattering
- People will tell you not just the opposite sex either
- Granny said so
- I assume by the disgusted and confused looks on people's face when I say hello to them that I am so unbelievably attractive I am short circuiting their brains. This would also explain them running from me or dousing me with a fire extinguisher. Not to brag, but a modelling agency asked me to pose for a 'before' picture. Don't hate.
- All the people replying should post a selfie.
- As someone who’s glowed up the past few years, the biggest thing I noticed is people will try to get your validation more
- Damn, seeing all these comments of "people will tell you" makes me realize outside of my current gf and family I don’t think I’ve ever heard that from someone
- When I'm kind people automatically assume I'm flirting with them. And I'm just medium attractive. Can't imagine what it's like for you natural beauties. Haha
- I look in the mirror and decide what I want to be
- Other women are nasty to you. For no reason.
- other people will tell you constantly
- Girls turn and walk the other direction when they see me. I guess they think I’m way out their league.
- Because I hit the weights and look good in a T-shirt. And I don't shy away from my principles and treat people respectfully. I find that attractive, therefore I am.
- People tell you. And when they’re strangers (eg someone walking past you on the street), and the same sex, and it happens fairly often you start to think it must be true. I think I’m pretty but not as pretty as other people think I am. I also am sure to tell other women that I think they’re pretty, or like their outfit, hair, etc. I know I like the way the confidence boost feels so I try to share it with others.
- When babies can’t seem to take their eyes off you, even when their parents are talking to them. They just keep looking your way, like you’re the most interesting thing in the room. It’s funny because I’ve never seen myself as the "standard" of beauty.
- Men. They don’t keep things subtle.
- You get away with a lot of things.
- My mom told me I’m her handsome little man, so.. yea. I’m obviously attractive.
- I have a mirror
- If we were attractive, we wouldn't be on Reddit.
- casually walking around and men are looking at me + someone talks to me randomly at least once a week (like wanting social media or to drink coffee together)
- When I was young (and prettier)… I always thought the greatest compliments came from a random gay man. It made me feel so beautiful, because they really think you’re beautiful if they tell you. They don’t WANT anything.
- Women tell me, with a fair bit of regularity. I read a lot on Reddit and hear a ton about men never getting compliments. I usually get a compliment on my appearance from women once a week or so. Some of those are just straight up telling me I'm attractive. Won't hear me complaining.
- Well, my wife is very beautiful and all my exes are also very good looking. Also, gay men tend to compliment my looks. I still don't understand what the appeal is. It took me forever to realize.
Absolutely incredible. I can't tell how much is pure delusion and how much is being serious, but it doesn't matter. It's funny either way.
Now, am I a good looking guy? I'm not going to wade into that water, but I do have a hot fiancée. I guess I can't be that ugly.
Enjoy the caption on the Instagram post below if you want to know what true comedy is.
I will say that I once got into the dumbest argument ever with some Code Pink morons at the RNC in 2016. I was crushing them on the importance of nukes and aircraft carriers.
All the women were shockingly attractive for being idiots. During the argument, one told me I was "too good looking to be so dumb."
Were they serious or just trying to throw me off my game? I don't know, but I didn't slow down. I just keep absolutely owning them in front of all the cameras, but I've always remembered it as a compliment. About two minutes later a very famous Republican asked me what I thought of her chest. This was in broad daylight in a public setting. It was a wild time.
Do you have a funny story about someone being attractive? Let me know at