Arnold Schwarzenegger Says He Was Freaked Out When Doctors Accidentally Poked Through His Heart, Which Is An Understandable Reaction

Arnold Schwarzenegger is one tough customer, but even he was a little freaked out when doctors actually poked through his heart wall.

Although, that's a more than reasonable time to get a little upset.

According to the Los Angeles Times, Schwarzenegger told his harrowing surgery story in a YouTube video (as one does). He said that the incident in question happened during his third open heart procedure, which took place as he was gearing up to appear in the 2019 film Terminator: Dark Fate.

“I woke up and all of a sudden the doctors were in front of me saying, ‘I’m so sorry but it was unlike what we planned,'” the former California governor said.

As far as things your doctor could say when you wake up that's one of the worst. It's worse below "We made a bit of an uh-oh" but probably not as bad as "Hey, I'm sorry about this, but I think I left my car keys inside you."

Still, not good.

Doctors Told Schwarzenegger They Had To Fix The Problem In A Hurry

“ we made a mistake and poked through the heart wall and had to open me up very quickly and to save life. I was really freaking out.”

Yeah, I would be freaking out too. Actually, the mere thought of this happening is making me freak out a little bit too.

While the surgeon needed to go back to work to save Arnold's life, it worked. Obviously, considering he's weaving this yarn in a recent YouTube video, it all worked out.

However, Schwarzenegger (who is 76 years old, by the way) sees it as a teachable moment.

“The bottom line is, you cannot roll the clock back. It was a disaster. I was in the middle of a disaster. So now how do I get out of it? You have to shift gears,” he explained.

“Collect yourself, shift gears and say, ‘OK, what I need to do now is get out of this hospital.’”

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.