Intense Combat Footage Goes Viral, Shows Bad Guys Getting Obliterated: WATCH
Whose ready to check out some more epic combat footage?
The OutKick audience has been diving head first into combat footage over the past couple of months, and I can't say I'm surprised that you all love it so much.
What's better than watching bad guys get smashed?
Incredible combat footage goes viral.
Well, we have some more footage from @bravo_co_archives, and I can promise that you don't want to miss it.
Not only does it show combat up close and personal, but there's also some footage of helicopters and air assets deleting bad guys from the planet.
Give it a watch below, and let me know what you think at
It never gets old. Not at all. I can watch footage like this all day without getting bored. Not only could I watch it all day, but it's also sent to the boys chat 100% of the time.
There's something about watching bad guys get pulverized that just warms the soul. It's a reminder of America's military capabilities.
There's no other military on the planet capable of doing what we do. Not one, and anyone who tries to compare another military to ours should be deemed a dumbass and ignored.
Don't mess with America. If you do, people like the ones in the video above will show up in the middle of the night and hand out justice. God bless the USA, and let me know your thoughts at