It Appears Donald Trump Has Broken Dolly Parton's Wacky Sister

If you think your house is gonna be a zoo tomorrow, just imagine what the Parton compound is gonna sound like! 

No, I ain't talking about Dolly – unless she breaks the Cowboys cheerleading outfit back out, in which case, I WILL be talking about her. 

Until then, though, I'm gonna talk about sister Stella for a bit. Why? Well, because it appears Donald J. Trump has broken her, much like he's broken other totally sane people, like Rosie O'Donnell and Kathy Griffin. 

But you sort of expected it with those two. They've been nutty for quite some time now. But you don't often (ever) hear about Dolly's sister, Stella Parton. Maybe that explains why she's a nutjob now? 

Regardless of the reason, she very much IS, and I've got the unhinged Twitter (X, whatever) rant to prove it. 

Strap in and hold on tight!

Perfect rant here from Stella Parton

Whoaaaaaaaaaaa Nellie! What a thread! What a rant! Stella Parton is BROKEN. Just … broken. Sad. 

For those who have a little trouble working the Twitter machine, let me go ahead and unravel a couple of these gems from Totally Sane Stella. 

Right off the bat, you know you're gonna be in for a wild ride when she spells it Marshall Law. We are! Nothing tells me you're educated on a topic quite like incorrectly spelling the word you're about to rant about. 

After that, she stays hot by comparing Trump to Hitler, which is impressively still a talking point for the Dems even after getting their teeth kicked in earlier this month. They are nothing if not consistent. I'll give 'em that:

He also says a lot of s*** like Hitler. He’s said many times and it’s documented by some who were in his previous cabinet that he admires Hitler.

See? They love a good talking point, even if it's total and complete nonsense and a giant lie. Case in point? The next rant, which accuses the president-elect of sending the military into the streets and ripping civilians from their homes in the middle of the night. 

And not just the undocumented immigrants. Nope. All of us. You, me, the Parton sisters – nobody is safe under Trump:

It will be the innocent ones who will be swept up in the chaos. Don’t think for one second they will care about the shade of your complexion or gender!

Don’t take my word for it! When North Korean or Chinese soldiers martial arts trained show up in your hoods whacking your iPhones & Pizza Boxes. 

What a sight that will be on Jan. 21 when we all wake up to a couple North Korean soldiers kicking down our doors and whacking us. Can't wait! Hope they go over it at next month's Project 25 orientation, so I'm at least prepared. 

Finally, she ends with another tried-and-true Dem talking point: women's rights (of which Trump has said he wants no part of by literally sending the power back to the states):

To all you church hypocrite women who voted against other women’s rights to their bodies, I believe you may live to regret your decision. Being a female with reproductive organs. I expected you to know better. I’m not nearly as mentally unstable as you are and it shows.

What a final line here from Totally Sane Stella! "I'm not nearly as mentally unstable as you are and it shows."

Amen, sister! And Happy Thanksgiving!

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.