AOC Goes On A Rant So Unintelligible, It Makes Joe Biden Sound Smart

Bless their hearts – the Dems are trying so hard. Give ‘em that. Frankly, that’s all we can ask for at this point. 

Lord knows anything is better than showing up to Trump's speech to congress with a bunch of tiny signs like you're at the Grundy County auction. At least this isn't that. 

Now, what is this? I have no clue. It's Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez – known as AOC because nobody has time to say all of that – talking to a group of Americans, asking them weird math questions, and then absolutely LOCKING IN on some poor sap named Bryce. 

I don't know. That's pretty much the only way I can explain it. Here, y'all give it a try. 

What the hell is AOC trying to say here?

This is the best the Dems have?

See? Ain't easy, is it? Harder than ya thought!

Yeah, they're so cooked. The Dems are toast. If this is their big plan – and it is – then I don't really know what I need to be worried about over the next few years. 

This is how they're fighting Trump and JD Vance and MAGA – with AOC and, wait for it … BERNIE SANDERS! 

Bernie Sanders. Bernie is 83. He's looked like death for a decade now. I have to imagine he smells just horrible. And he's been declared the alpha in the room over on the Dems' side. 

He's the alpha, and AOC is the lapdog who comes in at the end and really seals the deal. 

Those two are on something called a Stop Oligarchy tour right now across America. This seems to be a different one than the one Tim Walz is on, but it appears to be filled with same bullshit. 

Trump – BAD. Elon – HITLER! Republicans – WANT TO KILL ALL OF YOU!

That's it. That's the message. The Libs love to use the term oligarchy now. I haven't heard it – I shit you not – since high school history class. And all of a sudden, because Elon is now public enemy No. 1, it's ALL they use. 

I'll bet you AOC has no clue what oligarchy actually means. I bet she needed to ask someone how to actually say it. The Libs don't actually believe any of this shit, by the way. But, they have to fight back – despite a 27% approval rating (!!!) – and this is what they've come up with. 

Oh well. Keep it up, Libs! 

PS: AOC? I mean … maybe?

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.