Angry Bubba Wallace Lashes Out, NASCAR Accused Of Rigging Races & Race Wives Dig Up Their South Beach Bikinis
Everybody left Las Vegas angry as all GET-OUT … except Josh Berry, of course. Just angry. Pure, raw, violent anger.
Good thing today is a day to promote all-day drinking! No better way to decompress from a shitstorm of a Sunday than by blacking out on a Monday, I always say.
Ryan Blaney will be downing Guinnesses today. Carson Hocevar will be partaking. Bubba Wallace will throw a few back, despite our readers hating his GUTS.
It's gonna be a great day. Wholesome!
Yes, we're gonna get to all the pissed-off NASCAR drivers who left Vegas ready to smash skulls. What else do y'all wanna throw on the menu for today?
Well, I've got Sam Busch walking around like she owns the place (she does), an update on last week's CW discussion, Mikey Waltrip's pulitzer-worthy interview with SVG, and maybe we'll check in with Carl Edwards before the day's done.
That's right … Cousin Carl! He's got the NASCAR world TALKING right now, and it ain't about Vegas.
Four tires (tighten them PLEASE), some Sunoco racin' fuel, and maybe a Xanax for literally the entire garage … Monday Morning Pit-Stop – the ‘F-you, F-him, F-them!’ edition – is LIVE!
Angry, angry, angry, ANGRY!
Before we start, I need to give Josh Berry a shoutout. Does he move my needle? Eh. Not particularly beyond the fact that he drives arguably the most badass car in the series.
But, he seems like a genuinely good dude, and he's probably long overdue for a Cup win. He filled in for Chase a few years back when he broke his leg "snowboarding" (yeah, I'm sure nothing nefarious was going on!), and did so admirably.
Dale Jr.'s been a fan forever, and, in my opinion, when Dale speaks in this sport, you're wise to listen. The Wood Brothers scooped Josh up off the street after last season, and he's run well all year. Yesterday, he was in the right place, at the right time, with the right car.
And it was a solid ending to a solid automobile race:
See? Classy dude. More importantly, did y'all see that leaderboard to Jamie's left?! What an insane podium we had yesterday.
Josh Berry, Daniel Suarez and … Ryan Preece! That's the most Next-Gen era podium I've ever seen. For better and for worse, I reckon.
Anyway, good for Josh Berry. Cool dude, insanely historic team. They're all a billion and/or dead, but man, they were IT back in the day.
Now, to the good stuff … you wanna know a big reason why that above leaderboard was so … odd?
Maybe because all the frontrunning fellas like Ryan Blaney, Bubba Wallace and, yes, even Carson Hocevar, had just awful days at the track.
Rollllllllllll tape!
Speaking of Bubba …
God, there is nothing better than a solid show of anger from Ryan Blaney, and our man delivered yesterday. Now, he eventually watched the replay and admitted it all may have been his fault, but whatever. That's not the point.
The point is, Rhino was on one all day – he had a tough weekend, so I get it – and we here at MMPS appreciate the passion.
I have a feeling he was just fine about four seconds after walking through his front door last night, though:
Yeah, you know what? He was definitely fine by the time he got home. Lord knows I would be.
Welcome back, Hooters Gianna! Been a while. Don't be such a stranger this season.
Now, back to Bubba …
Late last week, he sat down with OutKick's Trey Wallace. Yes, they're cousins. Yes, they're different colors. No, don't ask me to explain it. I have no clue how it all works.
Anyway, the convo got just a tad bit political – Bubba's favorite! – and you all were thrilled with it!
Cousin Carl is BACK!
Goodness gracious. What a WAR ZONE. And trust me, that ain't nothing compared to some of the emails I got. I can't even share them here. Seriously, I think the site would get shut down before lunch.
You guys really do hate Bubba, huh? I get it. The fake-news-noose thing was/is a turn-off. Understandable. Again, that was NASCAR's fault first and foremost, but Bubba leaned into the shitstorm that the wokes who run the sport created, so he gets what he gets.
As is life, I reckon.
Now, let's go from one NASCAR mess to another!
There you have it, folks! Just like that, we have a case CLOSED. A 10-year-old cold case, closed. Just like that.
Look, I don't know if NASCAR rigged that race. I don't know if they threw a caution with 15 to go to bunch 'em back up and make it more exciting, which led to the above wreck you just watched, which led to Jimmie Johnson inexplicably winning another title.
Obviously, NASCAR will never admit that. My guess is they're not pleased with Cousin Carl right now. My guess, also, is that he doesn't give a shit.
He was heartbroken after that championship race. I've never seen anything like it. I mean, LOOK at this interview:
Mikey, the CW & Ty!
Whooooof. Still tough to watch, and it's been a decade. A decade!!
Anyway, where do y'all stand? Lemme know! (Fine, you can email about Bubba, too, but don't be crazy about it).
OK, let's all be like my poor wife and get a couple quickies outta the way before we start the St. Patty's day festivities.
First up? I got about 47 emails from pissed-off CW subscribers last week. Seriously, I've never struck such a nerve (until the Bubba ones later today).
From longtime reader – first-time caller! – Pat O'Malley. Obviously, he gets the pole position today.
You are right...fix CW for Xfinity race broadcast. What a mess with battle cams and in-car. Boring.
Yep. 100%. The worst. Big day for Pat today. Pace yourself, brother.
Next? Randy C.:
AND THE BIGGEST THING THAT PISSES ME OFF..................I recently bought a nice 4K TV$ expecting to watch sports (NASCAR) on it with a beautiful picture......where I can actually read the car numbers......WELL found out the CW (in my area) doesn't broadcast in 4K.....AND not even in HD!!... It's in 720 Frickin P!!....Bunch of blurry cars going around the track!
My God. I didn't even realize stations still offered a non-HD option. What is this, 2003? Good Lord. What a joke.
Next!? Scottie S:
My Gosh, I’m so glad someone said the quiet part out loud. Us old school NASCAR fans are going out of our minds just like Grandma. Not being able to watch live broadcast is the absolute dumbest thing NASCAR could’ve done to the Xinity races. Please fix before you lose all your loyal fans.
Thanks, Scottie S! Look, I could go on and on. I'm serious when I tell you I've never gotten such a response. But, we're nearly 1,200 words in, and I still haven't gotten to Sam Busch, so we have to get going.
The good news, I think? Help is on the way!
Again, those within CW Sports want fans to know they have heard the smattering of complaints and are frequently communicating through social media platforms when something comes across their desks.
The advice they would provide to fans is to make their voices heard to their local affiliate that they want to see the NASCAR races in their home market so the feedback can guide programming decisions in the interim.
Yeah, no. Hey, CW. Stop kicking the can down the road and just make the damn race available on your dumbass app. Jesus. It ain't hard. It's only March. You've got plenty of time to fix this. A whole season left. Just do it, dummies.
OK, let's get to Mikey – and then Ty – and then head on home.
Take us to Miami, Sam Busch!
Incredible content from the gridwalk yesterday. I know some of y'all hate it, but I can't get enough of it. I think Michael Waltrip gets a bad rap.
I mean, LOOK at that content he gave us yesterday in just 30 seconds. Don't know what the hell is going on with Ty Gibbs, but that's something he may wanna get checked out.
Look at his last 10 races. Look at the finishes. I'm thinking the two may be related. Just a guess.
OK, that's it for today. Way too long of a class before Sam Busch. She's headed to Miami this week, and my guess is she's gonna fit in just fine.
Vroom vroom.