Anderson Cooper Gets Clobbered By Hurricane Milton Debris

Every time a storm rolls in, I think we need to tip our caps to the brave men and women who flock to towns impacted by the storm to let us know that it is, in fact, very windy and rainy when a hurricane hits.

You'd think that this would be a gig for a network's greenest reporter, but CNN had network headliner Anderson Cooper in Bradenton, Florida on Wednesday as Hurricane Milton plowed into the Florida Gulf Coast.

Cooper was in the midst of a live shot when some kind of debris came flying out of nowhere and clobbered him square in the solar plexus.

Cooper lucked out big-time because that looked like a lid from a foam cooler or a file box. So, I don't think Cooper is going to be spending any time on the bench, but that was still a pretty decent shot.

However, regardless of how you feel about Anderson Cooper, you've got to hand it to him for being willing to stand out there in a storm for pretty much no reason.

He's at a point in his career where if they were like, "Hey Anderson, we need you to go down to Florida so people who hate Trump can see how windy it is," he could easily just kick his feet on the desk and say, "Meh, how about you make Blitzer do it."

But he doesn't. He's out there in his CNN-issued raincoat getting clobbered by debris.

And if you do even two seconds of research on Cooper, you'll know he's part of the Vanderbilt family. Like the Vanderbilts. The ones with the railroads and the school that just beat Alabama. 

So, I don't think he necessarily needs to stand there in gale-forced winds getting hit with pizza boxes for the money (although, I would gladly do that for money). 

Maybe next time they'll let him take some shots while he stands in a hurricane…

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.