Amy Earnhardt Disgusts America With Dale Earnhardt Jr. Shower Story

Dale Earnhardt Jr. takes after his daddy in more ways than one. I'm not breaking news to any NASCAR fan – or great Patriot – out there. You all knew this already. You've seen it for decades now. 

But, up until now, the similarities were mainly on the track. Their driving style, specifically at Daytona or Talladega. How they talk. How they move. Stuff like that. 

Now, though, Junior's wife, Amy, is pulling back the curtain (towel) on how the two fellas are similar back at home … and the revelation rocked race fans – and fans of hygiene – to their core on yesterday's Dale Jr. podcast:

Dale Earnhardt Jr. doesn't shower correctly 

I mean, I'm a pretty gross person. Believe me, my wife reminds me all the time. I can stomach a lot of things. I'm pretty sure our old house in Boston during college was the actual beginning of COVID. That's how bad it was. 

But blowing snot-rockets into your shower towel and hanging it back up? Next-level stuff here from the Earnhardt boys. It may also be the manliest thing I've ever heard, too. No chance I can pull that off. Frankly, most of you reading this can't, either. 

Have any of you won a NASCAR race? A Daytona 500? A championship? Nope, nope and nope. Didn't think so. When you do even one of those things, you can probably start launching snot-rockets into the towel. Until then, quit judging! 

Dale launching snot into his towel after a shower does beg the question … does he know how to shower? It's pretty common to blow your nose in the shower, right? I do that all the time. 

Easy way to clear the sinuses and reset for the day/night. And you can do it as long and hard (hey now!) as you want with no repercussions. It's all going down the drain. 

So why wait until after you're done? Makes no sense. Oh well. It's Dale Earnhardt Jr. I won't question him. He's far more accomplished than I'll ever be. 

PS: he's also way older than me, too:

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.