High School Students Stuck Upside Down In Terrifying Amusement Park Ride Malfunction

Nearly two dozen amusement park riders were stuck upside down after the Portland, Oregon ride malfunctioned on Friday.

The AtmosFEAR ride at Oaks Park unfortunately lived up to it's name on Friday afternoon when the pendulum swinging ride lifted into the air while simultaneously flipping riders upside down to give them a quick thrill before spinning them back and eventually lowering them down to the ground.

The only thing is, that thrill soon became a nightmare as what was supposed to be a quick second of being upside down ended up being over 30 minutes as riders literally were doing a near handstand while strapped in the air. 

Let me be the first to say, "Oh hell no."


On top of that, many of the riders were from a nearby high school where seniors had just celebrated their last day of high school. Welcome to the real world kids, just when you think your free and life is great - something's always going to go wrong and knock you down. Better get used to it!

After a massive response by firefighters and emergency responders that shut the entire town down, eventually firefighters were gearing up to do a high-ankle rope rescue as engineers were able to begin the ride again. Fortunately, there were no injuries - ya know, despite that rush of blood to one's skull for 30+ minutes. 

"We were just freaking out," one of the students told Portland news station KGW8. "People were crying. They were just putting into the universe what they wanted to say for their last words." Another student told reporters she was never religious but began praying to God because of how terrified she was.


It's unclear what caused the ride malfunction as the amusement park will remain closed until an investigation is complete.

As far as compensation goes for the riders and their near-death experience, Oaks Park offered a refund and free tickets for their next visit. 

Something tells me that won't be happening anytime soon. 

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Mike “Gunz” Gunzelman has been involved in the sports and media industry for over a decade. He’s also a risk taker - the first time he ever had sushi was from a Duane Reade in Penn Station in NYC.