Amanda Balionis Sheds Her CBS Work Clothes For Something Revealing, Drunk Bryson Hits Bombs & Landon's Hair

Travel ball scumbags begging for beer money so they can get drunk at the Hampton Inn after going 1-1 in pool play while hoping the whole time they get beat in the early Sunday game so they can go home

- Harvey D. from along the Lake Erie coastline writes: 

Hey Joe,

Travel ball Dad and Stanley Cup Mom from the Illini, on the Turnpike in The Buckeye, hammer down with the future meal ticket playing Roblox in the backseat.

Venmo handle scrawled in window paint on 3 sides, send us them rockets cause we putting this week-long travel tourney on the Visa! SMH and where do I invest in this P.T. Barnum money vacuum?  Maybe the Screencaps money/investment guys gotta line on this? 


Go find a car wash to work, you degenerates. 

It's hot out there 

- Beau in Toledo writes: 



Using a water truck in Ohio to fill pools

- Beer Guy Neil writes: 

Beer guy Neil checking in. If you have city water in Cleveland your sewer bill is tied to your water consumption. Using a water truck will save you the associated sewer bill. I knew a guy that had a large suburban lot with a well and city sewage. Never got charged a sewer bill.


This is true. However, if we call the city during a pool fill-up, they'll get a reading so we don't get hit on the sewer bill. 

I had no idea Little League still had a Senior League division (that was 14 & 15 when I played)

Here I figured travel ball had completely wiped out the Senior division. 

Are walk-ons finished at the FBS level?

- Mike N. writes: 

What is the latest and greatest Outkick thinking on the NCAA settlement talks and eliminating walk-ons for FBS?

As a walk-on myself, I eventually earned a starting spot and partial scholarship at Illinois (wrestling).

Too bad with all the new money flowing into college athletics the "solution" is cutting rosters from 120 (or more) to 85 with expanded playoffs.  

Keep the Rudy dream alive, Joe!  


Report: College Football Rosters Could Be Trimmed to 85-95 Players Under New Proposal 


I'm not up to speed on this topic, but I assume we'll see college football practice squads down the road just like with the NFL. I wouldn't get too emotional about the loss of walk-ons just yet. 

Remember, we're going to have paid college football players. Just think of the movies that will be made when some unpaid ‘Rudy’ gets called off the practice squad & throws for four touchdowns to save the season. 

Try to stay calm. Let this play out. These teams will run through players. They'll need those practice squad guys by November.  

Japanese elms

- Jim T. in San Diego has a tree like the one on my patio that I have a love-hate relationship with: 

We inherited one – with an already built tree house / deck! – when we bought 14 years ago. Thing just sheds petals and leaves CONSTANTLY. Year-round in San Diego. 

Having it removed in August; it’s grown so fast the tree house is now misshapen and unsafe (and the kids have all grown, with the youngest now 16). Will miss the shade while another tree grows to replace it, but I can’t take the constant mulch rain …


One year, we had the tree trimmed in the spring and it lost about two million leaves the next day. The pool was literally COVERED in leaves. My mind is fairly foggy, but I'm pretty sure it grew out new leaves like a week later. This tree is insane. 

A question for the Screencaps arborists

- Andrew writes: 

Question for the masses: We have a smallish trapezoid shaped front yard, with the house at the back of a cul-de-sac. It has zero shade and gets absolutely torched facing west. 

I want to put in something that will protect the turf without covering the view of the house from the street. Do any of the arborists in the crowd have suggestions? 


1B/3B coaches' boxes and the batter's circle in baseball?

- Joey writes: 

Do you think it's silly that baseball still employs the 1B/3B coaches boxes and the batter's circle considering coaches/players almost never stand in those areas?  


It's weird you brought up this subject. Just this week, I saw this photo of Gehrig chilling on-deck behind Babe. It appears ignoring the on-deck circle is a tradition. I say keep the on-deck circle for the pine tar rags and bat rings.

What if we kept the coaching boxes, but we installed gambling pods in those spots where degenerates get a closer look at the action & they get to tell the base coaches what do do in 1st and 3rd situations. Are you feeling a double-steal? The degenerate in the pod hits a button on his slot machine that calls for the steal while he's looking for cherries on his slot. 

Let's multitask. 

Screencaps reader needs help from Screencaps Vols fans

- Kevin in Gibsonia, PA needs a tailgate to hang out at. Someone step up: 

So my wife is taking our niece to Disney World for her birthday.  I have decided to head down to Tennessee for a Vols football game.  It will be the Sept. 14 game.  Not a great opponent, but it is a night game.  I have a couple of questions:

1.  Where do I park?

2.  I will have all day Saturday.  Where should I go?  Any bars close by, must hit restaurants, good places for t-shirts, etc. 


I've been to one Vols home game (Georgia years ago; I think it was Old Spice who put us in the Dawgs section like 20 rows off the field; I had a splitting headache because the fans (mostly women) wouldn't stop screaming "Go Dawgs" – true story) and I tailgated on top of one of the houseboats along the Tennessee River. That was a great time, but it's been like 10 years, so I have no idea if that's still a thing. 

My other experience with Vols fans came at the Battle of Bristol. That was a whole other level of tailgating with Vols fans. We ran out of beer on night one. We took like 30 cases in our RV. Gone. My Natty Light marketing reps literally had to go and pack down their rental SUV the next day with reinforcements. 

Food? Gone. It was pure chaos. 

It's my hope here that Vols fans will step up with a tailgating suggestion for Kevin. One of you must have room for Kevin to hang for a few hours to show him a true Vols tailgate. 

I'm forwarding emails. If you have room and a beer for a loyal Screencaps reader, send word. 


Pandora stations that don't have algorithm issues where the algo starts swaying out of control

- Aaron C. writes via the Instagram DMs (they're open!): 

I've found a SOLID 80s station on Pandora (lots of clunkers, too). Check out 80s Block Party Radio, and lmk what you think.


I'm testing it today. My biggest issue with Pandora is when I tell it to play the Tom Petty channel and it starts giving me New Kids on the Block two hours into the playlist. 


That's it for this mid-June edition. It's hot AF out there. Stay hydrated, folks. We're heading for triple digits under blue skies, full sun, bake your skin off weather. 

I'll be in the AC pumping out fresh content. 

Let's go have a day. 


Numbers from :

Stuff You Guys Sent In & Stuff I Like : 

Written by
Joe Kinsey is the Senior Director of Content of OutKick and the editor of the Morning Screencaps column that examines a variety of stories taking place in real America. Kinsey is also the founder of OutKick’s Thursday Night Mowing League, America’s largest virtual mowing league. Kinsey graduated from University of Toledo.