Alyssa Milano Defends Her Travel Baseball Panhandling After Getting Dragged By America
No regrets.
That was the message from out-of-touch Super Lib Hollywood elitist Alyssa Milano Friday as she was being dragged for her travel ball panhandling scheme where she's been trying to raise $10,000 for her son's travel ball team since May of 2023.
This week, she tweeted out a link where there's been a change in messaging. Now, the GoFundMe is to send her son and his 12U team to Cooperstown, New York so they can compete at the Dream's Park tournament that is so popular amongst the travel ball absolutists.
"I’ve paid for uniforms for the entire team and coaches, thrown bday parties and sponsor any kid who can’t afford monthly dues," Milano tweeted Friday.
"The kids also do fundraising themselves—car washes, movie nights, and many other fun things! Thank you to all who have contributed to the gofundme! You’ve made things easier for these boys and their families."
Made things easier. That's funny.
To date, Milano's panhandling has netted the team $9,181 of the $10,000 they're looking for to stay afloat.

Alyssa Milano at the 81st Golden Globe Awards held at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on January 7, 2024 in Beverly Hills, California. (Photo by Gregg DeGuire/Golden Globes 2024/Golden Globes 2024 via Getty Images)
As I wrote on Friday, America has a problem.
We have a panhandling problem and a lack of responsibility problem. We want someone to bail us out. We want the government to give us a handout when we've overspent. We want the government to tell us they'll cover our college loans because they're too daunting. We want to live like kings and queens, but we don't have the means, so we bitch and complain that our employers don't pay enough and we want more, more, more.
But...but...but...the boys HAVE worked to raise money!
That's interesting.
You chose to play travel ball. You chose to spend eight weekends each summer at a Hampton Inn with your coolers of High Noons in the lobby while the kids run around unsupervised and screaming at the pool.
That's a life choice and you don't have the funds to run with the big dogs. The minute you start panhandling to shame others into paying for your family vacations so you can get loaded is the minute America needs to hit the reset button and thankfully Milano provided that opportunity this week.
"(M)ake a small donation to keep the boys together," Milano pleaded on Twitter last year as if she were on some late-night commercial begging people to pay $15 a month to feed kids in Africa.
Just think of the horrors these 12U boys would face if Milano didn't come through for them.
They might...wait for it...have to play rec ball in California under blue skies! OMG, talk about a life-ender. Or...wait for it...OMG, they might have to skip a very expensive trip across the country to play a tournament where they'll be gifted some stupid plastic ring (I don't know, maybe Cooperstown would give them a cheap metal ring) to proclaim themselves CHAMPIONS!
Let's go to the emailers to see what they think about Alyssa and trave ball panhandlers:
• Kim M. writes :
My husband and I just got done reading article about Milano! Cheers! You made our day. All the struggles most of Americans have & these wealthy people beg from us all the time. Thank you for being a good person that cares about the hard working Americans trying to put food on the table & not lose our homes! You ROCK!
• Joe E. in Makaha, Hawaii writes :
Loved your piece about begging others to pay for travel ball. Here in Hawaii parents just send their kids out with small fishing nets to accost drivers at stoplights.
You, however, forgot the most important "no" that parents can tell their little darling future Mike Trouts. "No, we're not going to Cooperstown ... or Vegas ... or wherever."
My wife and I had several children who qualified for zones as age-group swimmers. Zones were usually in California or Washington. The cost would have been thousands for each kid. We just told them, "No. We can't afford it." And we couldn't.
We even told them no when meets were held on an island other than Oahu.
A couple times it cost our kids spots on relay teams, but it taught them a bit about financial responsibility.
Quite frankly, little athletes should play in their hometowns or those within a short drive and when that season is over, done. Move on. Play another sport. Do something else that is productive with your time.
We're not going to DisneyWorld to play ball.
• Devon says:
You’re not wrong. But if so-called Americans are dumb enough to vote for Biden, Omar, AOC, Hillary, Warren, Newsom, Sanders, etc., I guess they are dumb enough to send money to millionaires for their kid’s baseball trip.
As a long-time SoCal baseball player and coach….spot on. Except it might be 100 elite 12U teams.
• BB emails:
Thank you for the article you wrote about Alyssa Millano and the go fund me for her sons baseball team. Is this lady out of her mind? Most Americans live paycheck to paycheck. I am shocked that she is over halfway to her $10,000 goal!
• Todd in Clarion, PA checks in:
I totally enjoyed your article/rant on A. Milano and her f-n idiotic gofundme request for her kid’s baseball team. I agree. F her and F her husband. God only knows what the little brat ball players will grow up to be. Spoiled goddamned kids rarely grow into anything except spoiled goddamned adults. Or worse. Democrat/Socialists.
F them all. Hard!!!
I am a retired public school teacher and school administrator who cringes at what is happening to today’s kids. Thanks for making my day with your article.
Maybe somebody will start a “GoFHer” page for Milano?
• Randy C. is on board with shaming Milano for her panhandling:
I am a hard-working man who grew up in the midwest. Everything I have, has been achieved by hard work, a great work ethic, and doing without. I bought my own cars, did my oil changes, and was proud of and took care of, everything I had.
When I read your article about Alyssa and her 'begging' for money I was pissed. Its like Biden refunding school loans. If he is trying to forgive those loans, how about my parents and me? I worked all summer, had a bartending job while at school and paid my own expenses. I WANT that refunded deal, please?
Joe, I will watch for your articles and I appreciate you. If I could 'fist bump' you in support of your article, I would
• Scott M. is mad:
Absolutely spot on with the article about that free-loading liberal b--ch and her freeloading sons travel team!!! Go out and do something to earn the money like the rest of hardworking Americans. Stop begging. I liked it!
• Jay M. writes :
Just wanted to get your (and perhaps others') thoughts on a current situation the family finds ourselves in.
My oldest kid is a High School Freshman and is just starting the first season of varsity sports. It's a public school, but only certain sports are funded by the County/District. Our sport is not one of them. I've never heard of pay-to-play for any sport at a public school (maybe I just missed the trend at whatever point it started), so I was kind of shocked when learning it would cost ~$500+ per player to get through the season.
The team is running various fundraising ideas (including the SB Boxes, which I just got earlier today, ugh), so I'm wondering if this is different than the "Travel Ball" situation that's plaguing society. I think it is different, as this is supporting student-athletes who otherwise wouldn't be able to play, while the others are for those who choose to sign-up for the team or league.
We do play on club teams that do some travel during the summer, but I would NEVER ask anyone I know to help fund the fees, trips, etc., as this is a choice we made and it's on us to figure out if we can afford it or not. I do think it's OK (though not very comfortable) to ask family and friends to help support the High School athletes, as they just flat can't play without it, and I'm a huge believer that playing team sports in school is one of the most important and memorable things a kid can do.
I am going to channel what my father would've told me when I was a freshman in high school looking for money: "Mow lawns. Find work. Figure it out."
Jay, you have to ask yourself if you want your son to eat or be eaten in life. Do you want him to be capable of defending himself financially or are you going to panhandle squares?
Make a deal with him that if he busts his ass and works to raise $250 you'll cover the rest.
Instead of taking the easy way out and panhandling, try this:
Go on Facebook. Make a post where you and your son are honest with friends and family: "I want to put in honest work to make this money. I'm not here to panhandle. I really want to play this sport and I want to pour my heart into it."
"Do you need some muscle to move crap out of the basement, move furniture, yank things out of the attic, rip out weeds, rake leaves, mow your lawn, tutor little kids in reading and math, mentor your kids in a sport, paint a fence? I'm ready to go."
Two things are going to happen:
• JP writes:
Let's see your write up complaining about billionaire Trump begging for money to cover his legal bills.
• Pete writes:
You’re not wrong. However, as a parent of now-grown kids, who were raised while I served a 24-year career in the Army, you left out one very important alternative answer to the issue of the 12U baseball issue.
“NO!” Tell your kids, “we aren’t participating in that soul-sucking, ego-fueled, vicarious money-pit of elitist narcissism, and I won’t prostitute myself in begging for others to fund it!” But, we are talking about Alyssa Milano, after all.
• Wolf Man says:
Great job
What an ass.
She (they) should have money sitting in some account sitting out there.
She made millions, I'm pretty sure he (husband) has money too.
I coached in District 51 (Lancaster, CA) we had a travel team raise enough money to travel to Copper Town back in the 90's from small town folks.
She's full of S**t asking for money get your head out of your ass, while you're doing it pull some cash out to.
• Chris A. makes an interesting point:
I just read your article about Alyssa MilaNO and her agent hubby trying to have other people throw them a couple bucks to finance their kids lucrative career in amateur sports
You are spot-on.
It is my belief that "select" sports is main driver behind the fade away of the neighborhood little league baseball team. Another gut punch to baseball is the increased following and movement towards soccer, but that is a whole different issue considering the impact of select and travel sports.
I noticed that the name she uses on the GFM page is her hubby's last name. Rather subservient of her, dont ya think?
PS. How many select parents have had college debt eliminated?
• Matt R. knows this world :
Your article on Alyssa Milano was spot on. My son plays 14U select baseball. Someone in our circle is always trying to sell things to fund this nonsense. The issue is that the organizations aren't selective enough. They will take any kid with a pulse as long as the parents can afford the dues. So instead of being the niche organization they should be for the best of the best it's just watered down Rec ball. When my kid first started out organizations would tell kids they weren't good enough but now they just start more and more teams and take everyone. It's a real issue.
Just last night he had practice and I rolled up in my paid for 2015 Chevy pickup, parked it next to two BMW's and watched my kid practice. I just know most of those people are in debt up to their eyeballs. They are the same people begging us to buy super bowl squares and all the other crap.
My son is going this summer to Gulf Shores for a world series. The organization is doing fundraisers. They asked me to participate and I told them to tell me what the buyout is. I never participate in those things. The only exception is raffle tickets where guns are the prizes.
• Jason G. says:
Your article was fantastic.
I get in between our kids and the travel ball "recruiters" that prey on kids and idiot parents during Saturday sports leagues as if they're child molesters.
It is astounding how many people buy into this travel sport bulls--t.
I have ended relationships with many women I had dated who already had kids and were interested in the travel ball life. F--K THAT and good job.
• John C. emails :
Your Alyssa Milano article on Outkick. Anyone who says you're wrong is simply part of the rampant problem. Geez…even as sh--ty as "Embrace of the Vampire" was, I'm sure she made some serious coin (probably still rakes in profit to this day)….more than enough for the BS she's pedaling now. I'll be sure to share your article with others….that share will probably cost me a couple relationships but pffffft…..who cares. Keep up the good work!
• Luke O. says :
I appreciated your article regarding travel ball today and its frequent mention in Screencaps. I’ve written out this email with many variations in my head, but I think it comes down to this…
Can we pour one out for American Legion summer ball too?
I’m not sure if Legion ball was big in your part of the country or not. I was probably towards the tail end of the glory days of playing Legion ball in St. Louis and graduating high school in 2004. Within a few years after that, the first of these travel ball programs at the high school level had basically killed it off. It’s kind of a shame for all the reasons you’ve talked about with rec baseball in the younger years.
Not that it matters, but I played B1G baseball so it’s not like I’m some uncompetitive dweeb complaining about all the kids not getting trophies.