Couple Shares Insane Details Of Alleged Bigfoot Sighting, But There's One Big Problem

An alleged Bigfoot sighting is gaining traction, but I'm not sure it holds up under scrutiny.

As OutKick readers know, we're a site that enjoys covering the paranormal, UFOs and things that simply have no solid explanation.

Few things meet the standard better than alleged sightings of Bigfoot. It's the mythical creature allegedly roaming the woods in America, and there always seem to be claims about seeing it.

Well, there's a new one that's a real doozy.

Alleged Bigfoot sighting gains traction.

The Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (yes, it's a real thing) tracks alleged sightings, and recently published a claim from 2019 in Douglas County, Oregon. A couple was allegedly at their cabin when they noticed the creature, and it was off to the races from there.

"At about 10 PM at night, on October 3, 2019, we heard a noticeable bang on our cabin. It was loud enough that we looked at each other and said what was that. My husband went outside with his gun and looked around on the side and front of the cabin, but nothing was found. We sat back down, and a few minutes passed and again we heard the same bang. This time I turned off the TV and lights and he looked out the window and also went into our bedroom which was on the back side of the house. In the light from the generator shed he saw a huge figure that began to move toward the light of the generator shed window where my husband could see the creature extremely well. He called me and said to come here and said you won’t believe this. I took one look at it and it scared me so badly I ran into another room. I knew right way that it was a sasquatch. My husband spent more time looking at it. He paid attention to where the top of its head was on the light of the window seal of the generator room," the report states, in part.

What exactly did this creature look like? Don't worry because the report has that information as well, and it's pretty much what you'd expect.

"It had a flat face with a prominent brow and was covered in reddish brown hair all over its body. It had block type teeth and lips with a flat type of nose. It walked upright and swung its arm to the side as it moved. The look on its face was a look of curiosity and had intelligence to it. It did not seem aggressive, but we did not approach it or threaten it. After about two minutes it moved into the woods," the report states further.

Do we believe the claims?

I hate to be a downer here, but I'm simply not buying this story. The woman claims her husband was armed with a gun at a minimum moments before the alleged sighting.

What's my biggest criticism of the idea Bigfoot is real? Nobody has ever shot one. There are millions of hunters in America out in nature, and yet, nobody has ever plugged the mythical creature. Interesting.

In this case, a guy is armed, but doesn't start spraying when he sees Bigfoot? I can only speak for myself, but if I see a massive creature that shouldn't even exist and I have a gun, I'm going to shoot like I'm laying down covering fire on a position in WWII. This is Bigfoot we're talking about.

Imagine being the guy who kills the first one. You'd never have to buy a beer again. Yet, that's not what happened here.

For that reason, I'm choosing to remain highly skeptical of this story. Again, I'm not buying many Bigfoot claims until someone smokes one and puts it on a metal slab. Let me know what you think at

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David Hookstead is a reporter for OutKick covering a variety of topics with a focus on football and culture. He also hosts of the podcast American Joyride that is accessible on Outkick where he interviews American heroes and outlines their unique stories. Before joining OutKick, Hookstead worked for the Daily Caller for seven years covering similar topics. Hookstead is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin.