Pentagon Admits Plane Nearly Hit UFO, Confirms Nuclear Sites Are Being Flown Over In Bombshell Report
A bombshell Pentagon UFO report is going to raise more questions than it answers.
UFOs and unexplainable events going on in the sky are one of the most popular topics we cover here at OutKick.
People simply can't get enough of the topic, and I don't blame them. Discussions about UFOs and aliens are fascinating.
A new report from the Pentagon's All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office is like throwing a grenade into a tank of gasoline.
New UFO report makes several concerning claims.
The AARO released its annual report this week, and there are two incredibly troubling things revealed in the stunning report.
First, the AARO revealed a commercial plane nearly hit a UFO that's described as a "cylindrical object."
"Of the 392 FAA reports received during the reporting period, only one report mentioned a possible flight safety issue during the event. In this instance, a commercial aircrew reported a near miss with a "cylindrical object" while over the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of New York. AARO continues its research into, and analysis of, this case," the report states.

New UFO report makes several concerning claims. (Credit: Getty Images)
Furthermore, the report confirms that America's most sensitive sites - specifically nuclear - have been surveilled by unmanned aerial systems (UAS).
The report states the following about the 18 confirmed instances:
- Ten of the reported UAS flew over protected areas for a duration less than five minutes. Two instances involved longer flight times of 53 minutes and 1 hour and 57 minutes respectively. Flight duration is unknown for the remaining six cases.
- Sixteen cases involved only one UAS, while the remaining two cases each reported two UAS involved in the event. In one instance, the UAS entered and departed the protected area twice.
- On-site security observed UAS in at least half of the UAS cases. On August 3, 2023, the D.C. Cook Nuclear Power Plant security recovered a crashed UAS that was given to Berrien County, Michigan, local law enforcement (LLE). AARO has no further information about the crashed UAS.
- During October 10-15, 2023, USPER BWXT (formerly known as USPER Babcock and Wilson Nuclear Energy) Fuel Cycle Facility in Lynchburg, Virginia, observed UAS flyovers for six consecutive nights. Only one UAS system was spotted in each occurrence, and there is no data on estimated flight duration for each occurrence.
It was previously reported unmanned surveillance drones/UFOs were flying over sensitive military sites, and couldn't be shot down due to existing laws.
As for whether or not the government is in possession of any UFOs/UAPs, the report claims the answer is no, but "AARO is working with mission partners to formalize a process in the event UAP materiel is captured, drawing on current USG capabilities and operating procedures."
Like I said, this report is 100 percent going to raise more questions than it answers. Are we alone in the universe? What is up in the sky? Let me know what you think at