Alabama Grad Katrina Pacensa Continues Her Instagram Content Assault, John Daly Visits Hooters & Luke Voit Avoids HBP Disaster
Random thoughts as we slide headfirst right into the final weekend before summer's official start
Speaking of that social media app, Venezuelan Luis L. in Minneapolis writes via the LinkedIn DMs:
Luis L. In Minneapolis writes:
I wonder how many Venezuelans read you? There aren't that many of us in the world (~30M) but every time I think I'm the only Venezuelan doing something I'm surprised by how many compadres share my interests.
It's a great question. As I told Luis, just when I think the Screencaps readership is a "bunch of 5th generation white guys in the midwest, along comes the Arizona, New Mexico and SW Texas contingent."
And now we know Screencaps has reached into the Venezuelan community.
BTW, Screencaps has an ex-pat reader in The Netherlands who has requested a TNML sticker. This is exactly the reach that I've been looking for. This damn league could be my ticket to stardom around the world. It starts with one guy in the Amsterdam suburbs and the next thing you know middle-aged Thai men are getting it in on Thursday nights. That's how I picture this going.
Double sure looks like Tim in the Netherlands is using a gas-powered mower overseas. Love to see it. Look at all the power he has for that yard. Very impressed.

Live from the PGA
• Bill C. is in Tulsa and sent one of the photos of the day.
Bill writes:
Rory may be at the top of the leaderboard but the real leader in the clubhouse is the PGA employee who put this water refill station out. Give that person a promotion and a pay raise. Saved patrons thousands of $$$ from having to hydrate with $25 cans of beer. Unfortunately, no sightings of Mrs. D Johnson. She may be at home writing thank you notes and the way DJ is playing, he'll be home Saturday to help.

I was wondering if fans were forced into buying the $6 Aquafina bottles. It turns out the PGA of America was nice enough to put out a filling station -- and it was FREE! Now I need to know if fans had to walk all the way to the front gates to fill up.
Get on that side of the story, Bill!
Golf trip weekend!
• Adam D. is all set for his weekend golf trip that he crowdsourced through Screencaps. The crew gets their trip started today with 36 holes of relaxation.
Adam writes:
Had to mow Wednesday night since we hit the road Thursday night to begin our epic golf trip! Attached below is the teams and rules for how we will be playing in the Ryder cup style. We are playing 36 holes Friday and Saturday, playing 18 on Sunday before driving home.
Planning to file a report each day on the golf and stories. We play Rivercut golf course in Springfield in the morning on Friday, then Ledgestone Country club in Branson in the afternoon. We have smoked meats all ready to warm up after golf on Friday night.
We are all very pumped for this weekend! Even have one guy flying in from Idaho. Thank you Screencaps for the inspiration to do this.

It starts with eight guys and before you know it Adam D.'s going to have 32 guys wanting in on his golf trips. One guy starts talking to buddies at work and they can't believe how fun that sounds. The wives agree to making this a one-year deal, but then she can see the sparkle in your eye how these trips mean so much to your soul.
Soon, these trips are just part of your life.
Kids and mowing
• Nate N. in Crosby, ND writes:
Joe, here is a photo of my 11-year-old son running the push mower a couple weeks ago with the dwindling glacier from the most recent blizzard in the background. I help him out a little, but he mows a couple yards around town and makes great money doing it. FYI more snow is in the forecast for the area tomorrow! DBAP

• Bruce Z. in Overland Park, Kansas writes:
Retired ear doctor. Always have kids use hearing protection. Children are more susceptible to noise damage. Also safety glasses.
Lib libs who think they're the only ones living off the land...they think they're the only ones living correctly off the land
• Guy G. in western New York writes:
Libs seem to think that they own “green”. However, it seems to me, that it’s the ‘redneck’ big truck, big tractor folks are the ones who own it. Not only are they making food for the world, they’re doing it more proficiently than ever. Minus what may happen this year, we have been having bumper crops for many years. Compare that to even the 1970’s, and its not even close. Triple cost fertilizer will probably change that this year.
As for our gardens, we’re just about ready to get them in the ground. Deer plot just got seeded Saturday, with sunchokes and corn left to be put in at the end of the month to fill out the 2 acres.
The orchard is set for this season, as we added 10 apple trees, 4 peach and 6 pear trees. The new raspberries and blackberries went in on Saturday, while artichokes, carrots and potatoes went in yesterday.
Our main garden won’t be put in until Memorial Day weekend. With a frost advisory Tuesday night, it’s not yet worth the risk. Tomatoes, peppers of all kinds, beans, peas, cucumbers, broccoli and pumpkins. Fertilizer and lime is down, with some acidic compost put in to jump start everything. One more application and turnover should get us rolling fast.
While it won’t feed us, I’m hoping to get an acre or so of flowers prepped this summer, and start the youngest kids first business started.
Proudly redneck out here in the sticks of WNY!
On cyclists
• Aaron H. in Iowa writes:
Aaron from Iowa here again. Thanks to you and the Outkick nation for your response to the email on waving while on a zero-turn last week. I'm sure your inbox is starting to fill up more and more with the traction you're gaining around the nation and that was a quick response. It felt good to know that I wasn't alone in the dilemma and got the advice I needed - many thanks.
81 and sunny here in Iowa today, which means bicyclists are starting to get out and do their thing. I'm going to get in front of this by saying that I have nothing against bicyclists. I'm all for getting outside and doing something you love, and if biking is your thing, props to you. With that being said....there are not many things that frustrate me more than bicyclists on highways, especially when a trail runs parallel to the road.
A few of my complaints (mind you, that's all they are - complaints).
1) If it's available, USE THE DESIGNATED TRAIL OFF THE ROAD!! Since 2017, $5.5 million (with an m) has been spent on trails for bicyclists to use in the county I live in and the neighboring county to the north.....they still use the road. In an effort to seemingly try to piss off any human behind the wheel, when they're on the road, half the time they're riding 3 deep across the lane, not single file. It's near impossible to pass them.
2) They do not obey traffic laws. If you can remember the last time you've seen a bicyclist stop at a stop sign, you're in the minority. It doesn't happen. Most just blow through them, oblivious to what's going on around them. This brings out the road rage in me.....3) This does not go for all of them, obviously, but it does seem like a majority of them go biking from bar to bar (which I'm sure is a great time) and by the end of their tour, are sloppy drunk. I'm all for having a good time, but if I'm on a bike and am operating near/around a vehicle, I don't want to be on the biker end of that catastrophe.
I don't know what the biking scene is like around you, but I would ask that any bikers reading this take some time to step back and realize they are not entitled to do whatever they please on their bike. A little respect from them is going to be received in respect coming back their way. Again, this is not an attack against all of them, but this is my general consensus on the bicycle cohort.
End of rant. Make it a great Thursday and lay them straight tonight. Continue to do what you do - it's much appreciated!
The email inbox is going to light up over this one!
My complaint in this department is about the people who insist on walking on the road instead of the sidewalk. It's a huge issue in my suburbian 'hood. There are gangs of 50-year-old women who refuse to use the sidewalk and they'll walk 4-wide like they're at Daytona.
GTFO the road!
• Jody N. writes:
Joe , I had a bigfoot encounter in November in the early 80s in Franklin county Ms. I was with in 5ft of this thing and 100 percent the exist. I also know Robbie Cloy as he lived across the street from me. Anyway , if interested I can tell you the story. Thanks.
Yes, I want this story. Bad.
Glacier NP
• Indy Daryl writes:
Mike T in Idaho is absolutely correct when he says Glacier National park should be a “must visit.” The going to the sun road is amazing. If you’re feel a little more adventurous and can stomach some 8-12 mile hikes, with a pack, and then overnighting in the back country, staying near Elizabeth Lake is one of the most iconic places I have ever been too. A picture I took in 2019 is now my background photo on my desktop. Reminds me everyday why I work as hard as I do!

Who has one of these in the garage?
• My buddy Diesel is a big thinker and now he's thinking of at-home beer caves. It's like walking into the candy (beer) aisle at the gas station but right there in your garage.

And with that, we should be good and ready to attack the day. You're about to work a half-day and cut out for the rest of the day. Not me. I end my week pumping out the TNML. It's the perfect way to bring down the stress after yet another week of life.
If you don't stop by Saturday morning, remember to have an incredible weekend. Treat yourself.