Airline Apologizes For Playing 40 Minutes Of Movie That Included Graphic Nudity To The Entire Plane

An Australian airline has apologized for a technical issue on a recent flight from Sydney to Japan that resulted in more than half an hour of a movie with graphic nudity being played to the entire plane.

Passengers on the Qantas Airlines flight were shown what one of the passengers described, according to The Guardian, as "40 minutes of penis and boobs." That wasn’t the actual title of the movie, simply how a passenger who watched the portion of the movie that was shown described it.

The movie was a Dakota Johnson offering from 2023. It's an R-Rated film called Daddio, which reportedly shows "an erect penis, prolonged sexting exchanges, and profuse use of the word f*ck." Don't worry, Qantas is looking into the matter.

"The movie was clearly not suitable to play for the whole flight and we sincerely apologize to customers for this experience," a spokesperson for the airline told The Guardian.

"All screens were changed to a family-friendly movie for the rest of the flight, which is our standard practice for the rare cases where individual movie selection isn’t possible."

The spokesperson added, "We are reviewing how the movie was selected."

Passengers on the Qantas Airlines flight were confused by the movie selection given its graphic nudity

Other passengers who were said to have been on the flight weighed in on what had gone down on their now unforgettable flying experience. One wrote, "These poor kids and their parents because you should’ve heard the audible gasps across the plane."

Another added a somewhat more eloquent response than the penis and boobs one, "[The film] was featuring Dakota Johnson and I really thought they were playing Madame Web or something – I honestly don’t know if that would’ve been worse."

Sadly, I haven’t seen either movie. So I can’t be absolutely certain here, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say, mostly due to the lack of reporting of sexting and the appearance of a penis in Madame Web, that it would have been a slightly better option.

Not to mention what yet another passenger said. That person reported that the screens were locked and passengers were unable to turn the movie off.

If you're going to get stuck watching a movie on a plane, the PG-13 Dakota Johnson movie is the much safer bet. That's not saying that the movie will be any good, but the chances of kids catching a glimpse or two of graphic nudity is going to be greatly reduced.

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Sean is a cubicle life escapee and proud member of OutKick's Culture Department. He enjoys long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and puppies - only one of those things is true.