'Adults Assaulting Minors': Youth Soccer Game Turns Bloody, Leaves 16-Year-Old With Broken Nose

As Joe Kinsey would say, let's head out west to California, where we had adults storm the pitch after a youth soccer game and "assault minors," according to one coach who called the scene "disgusting."

Sounds about right.

Our battle took place in Irvine over the weekend, when a youth soccer game between a pair of clubs -- one older and one younger -- turned bloody when the clock hit all zeroes.

That's because, according to reports, the younger lads came out on top. The older club didn't like it and fists started flying.

Right on cue, the crazy parents in the stands saw their chance to relive their glory days and apparently joined the fracas not to break it up, but to join in.

Because the internet exists and it's 2023, we have plenty of video evidence.

Roll tape:

Soccer game in California ends with 'disgusting' fight

Goodness gracious me, what a brawl. The video isn't the best, but you get the picture.

Just chaos. This is why youth sports of any kind are the absolute wild wild west. Doesn't matter if it's baseball, softball, football or soccer -- you can always count on anarchy.

Now, normally you don't see parents joining in and creaming little kids. That's sort of a weak move. Don't know if the 16-year-old who you can see emerge with a bloody, broken nose at the end was hit by an adult or fellow competitor, but regardless it's a tough sight.

"All of the sudden I saw punches being thrown," Bryan Wallace, coach of the Irvine Zeta FC U23 team, told Fox 11. "It was by far the most disgusting thing I’ve ever experienced and been a part of, to see adults assaulting minors."

Fox 11 noted that Wallace's team — made up of mostly teenagers — defeated the adults of Club Garrafones at Great Park in Irvine Saturday night.

"There’s people that weren’t a part of the game that weren’t on the coaching staff, that came onto the field and started fighting not just our minors, but fighting our fans, our parents," Wallace added.

Animals. Feel like we have to be better than this as a society, right? I mean, I'm all for a good brawl -- been a part of one or two myself back in my baseball days.

But it's gotta be a fair fight. Same age bracket, same weight class. Fair is fair. If you're an adult who just happens upon a fight breaking out between some kids and decide to run over and start taking swings, you're a loser. Who does that?

Oh well. Like I said, wild wild west. This is why my daughter is playing golf when she grows up.

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.